2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

What the eh?

Lol offering 2 grand and blaming the airport transport service.

Have heard some recent horror stories about Air Canada, they sound awful.

Not the first time someone’s dies on the ice, I’m not going to watch the video but it just sounds like a freak accident.

“not gonna watch it but you’re wrong” ok, he clearly kicked him:

I’m definitely still not watching, it definitely sounds like not a regular hockey hit, but I do know that the lunatics are now calling this anti-white terrorism.

Good morning all.

Halloween fucking sucks. Nuke it.

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I’m taking Air Canada in 2 hours, great timing

Sports injury prosecutions are nearly impossible. Intent is very difficult to prove, and juries just assume violence is part of the game and you assume the risk of it. I had an associate who tried to prosecute a basketball player who took a swing at, and knocked out, another basketball player on the court for assault (High School League). Jury acquitted in like 15 minutes. Whole thing was on video.

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yea I think there’s an implicit agreement when you play certain sports that death is an outcome that is possible and you are kind of agreeing to that by playing, but I’ve watched this like 100 times now and it looks like it could be an accident, but he clearly pushed off the guy with his foot. I don’t know if criminal charges are appropriate or not, but he should be banned for life from playing for sure

Boy, I’d hope that’s on the table here. Is he not suspended or anything?


If you hurt someone that bad by fouling them you should be out as long as they are. If they are dead, so is your career, life time ban from the sport.

police are investigating but no comments I’ve seen from the league or anything but “let’s not speculate”

mf i dont need to speculate when there’s video of it

the guy that delivered the fatal blow is also the most penalized player in the league, coincidentally. did he want to kill him? I doubt it. did he mean to make contact with his foot? absolutely, and it seems other hockey players agree

anyway it isn’t gory at all and I encourage people to watch it and make up their own minds. really sad that likely nothing will happen to him.

Yeah, watched it. An insanely reckless move. It was like a helmet to helmet hit in football but instead of leading with his helmet he led with his skate, I.e. a giant razor. That is not a natural move at all.

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Holidays that should be eliminated before we get to Halloween:

  1. Robert E. Lee/Confederate veteran’s day
  2. Columbus Day
  3. April Fool’s Day
  4. Valentine’s Day
  5. Groundhog Day

imagine being a six-year-old kid and ringing riverman’s doorbell

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but yeah it fucking sucks

Fyp. And what the hell is wrong with GHD?

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Lol realtors lost the antitrust case, $1.7B in damages!!! Hahaha and could be treble damages! LOL REALTORS


just need google to lose theirs and it’s a great year for this