2024 Campus Protests: Freeze Peach Under Attack (By Cops)

Some disgusting behavior by cops in Columbus:

what a field day for the heat


And this is the high school class of ‘20. No graduations for you.

See now I’m just envious.

“Haven’t you heard, it’s a battle of words” the poster-bearer cried

“Listen, son” said the man with the gun, “There’s room for you inside.”

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Seems like they should be protesting hamas

Really seems like these campus protests are also not really that big and republicans sure think they can use this as a wedge issue. Annoying af story to be honest.

99% of people don’t give a shit about the protests or gaza at all either way

There’s a pair of leftish election bloggers I have followed for decades now over at www.electoral-vote.com. They wrote a post about the protests that, unfortunately, I think is somewhat on the money (quoted below). Recent polling of young people seems to indicate that they’re going to either: 1. Withhold their vote for Biden, or 2. Vote for Trump, in part, because they disagree with Biden’s policy on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. That is the ultimate “Bold move Cotton, Let’s see how that works out for them” when Trump wins in November, does everything Bibi asks, and then also destroys any chance of the environment not descending into a hellscape by the time these young people have their own children.

I agree it’s bad for Biden but I think the country attention span is so short these days that situation will peak sometime by graduation and then will be business as usual once school restarts in fall. I obviously could be wrong but I suspect some other more recent controversy will be more impactful come election time.

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I’m sure this time the mass scale student protesters will be on the wrong side of history lol.

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I don’t think being on the right side of history and potentially getting Trump elected are mutually exclusive. This seems to be addressing pragmatic electoral concerns more than morality. (Although personally I think the electoral concerns are overblown but may change my mind if goes on longer than I expect)

I’m sorry but if Trump gets elected it will 100% be the fault of the establishment Democrats. Period end of story. Let’s stop normalizing blaming normal people for the consequences of the politicians we elected doing evil shit. They need to stop doing evil unpopular shit.

If you lose to Donald it’s your fault period. Fortunately I don’t think Biden is going to lose to Trump, but if he does because he decided to back Bibi carrying out a genocide… I’m not going to blame the young people we actively chose not to educate over the last 20 years.

Being a political leader means owning the cause and effect of your decisions. There were a lot of choices made around supporting Israel before and after the massacre they, let’s be very honest, instigated and then failed to defend against. I get the Israeli reaction to that, which is why it was our responsibility to keep them on a tight leash. Instead we’ve been very hands off and the Israeli’s, and the sociopath they elected repeatedly, have done their very best to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

Being president is having a new, very complicated, trolley problem pretty much every day of the week. Biden did something objectively evil here, if it was also a political miscalculation that costs him this next election it’ll ruin his entirely legacy because he will have been the guy who crashed our system into the side of a mountain. Kinda like how HRC’s entire legacy is being the person who lost to Trump in 2016, a failure so large with such overwhelming consequences (millions dead) that her not having a major mental health crisis in the aftermath tells you pretty much all you need to know about her.

Biden had better not lose lol. Par for this hole is curb stomping the GOP out of existence, and losing… well the only sane thing you could do after losing to this version of Trump on this timeline is probably suicide. If you could live with that level of guilt you’re a monster lol. It’s actually worse than HRC losing to Trump by a 3-4x multiplier and the cause being supporting a genocide? Jesus fucking Christ that’s ugly.

If Biden strongly rebukes Bibi and Israel doesn’t he lose voters on the other end of the spectrum, and then if he loses it’s because he didn’t back Bibi?

They’re not on the wrong side of history. The Vietnam protestors weren’t either. That said, we ended up with Nixon and we will end up with Trump as a result too. They’ll have the moral high ground though when they withhold their votes so bully for them.

Yeah Biden is fucked no matter what he does. Trying to stay in the middle is the best play he has, he’s been playing it, it’s not working, but the electoral alternative is worse.

I don’t think this is lost on Biden at all. I think he likely absolutely furious with current Israeli leadership but has sat down with a cold calculation that due to the popularity of Israel among those reliable to vote that if he says the wrong thing then the effect of his decision will be Trump letting Putin take Ukraine and Trump being same or even worse on Palestinian related issues.

Gen Z isn’t going to stop voting and they aren’t going to vote for Trump. They’re lying to pollsters when pollsters actually get ahold of them because the answer they’re giving on the poll is the protest. If the GOP had elected a Mitt Romney type like Nixon I’d be more worried.

I keep saying the polls at this stage, and political polling in general, are pretty suspect. This thing is about enthusiasm and turnout for each side’s partisans. There’s a reason why the unofficial song of the last election cycle was ‘why is the best case scenario Joe Biden’ lol. He won that election and my guess is we’re going to win big this cycle too because Donald is the worst major politician of either party in a hundred+ years.

I am 100% sure there are plenty of ways Biden could have materially impacted this that didn’t have huge political costs. I’m not sold the Israeli lobby can actually move votes like that, particularly not if the US government intentionally chooses to allow what’s happening on the ground in Israel onto the nightly news and social media.

He did what he did because it’s the right move for US foreign policy for our international credit as an always there for you ally is important, particularly after Trump did everything possible to damage that credibility. Given that our support is keeping a large % of global GDP from being spent on on the military (which if our own history is any guide tends to cause your politicians to want to use that military power) I can see an argument where the trolley problem is ‘let the people in gaza get exterminated or probably sow the seeds of WW3’. At least that’s my guess for how the decision was made. I don’t think we’re doing what we’re doing because we want a genocide in Gaza, I just think we feel like our hands are tied because treaty obligations.

I’m sorry but you’re giving way too much credit to the Vietnam protests and nowhere near enough credit to ending Jim Crow. LBJ said they had just lost the south for a generation when he signed that bill and he, if anything, undersold it.