2024 Campus Protests: Freeze Peach Under Attack (By Cops)

And Bibi is likely exploiting this dynamic. He knows Biden can’t turn completely against him, and he knows Trump will totally back him on anything and everything. So it’s in his best interest to put Biden in the worst situation possible and maximize his chances of getting Trump.

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If you say so.

I mean this actually was productive and helped get to the core of your argument: that The College Kids Support Hamas. I think that’s self-evidently ludicrous and am perfectly comfortable with readers of this thread evaluating your arguments based on whether they do or don’t agree with your premises.

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Have you, you know, actually read or listened to any of the groups running these protests?

ikes literally played the “nice kids you got there, sure would be a shame if someone dropped a bomb on them” card yesterday, nothing goofy has said is dishonest here at all

I think everyone should take it down a notch here. This is a complex topic. It is not black and white. There are not easy good guys or bad guys. I think everyone is posting in good faith, and I don’t think anyone deserves the insinuation that they are not.

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Police are attacking encampments at schools across the US but it’s notable when stuff like this happens to faculty. Separately:

this seems like an invitation to the ACLU for a lawsuit

“1A” (works for FIRE) and “freespeech” (famous disastrous mouthpiece for the government) in profile names



Man, New York is such a garbage city these days. Can’t keep the libraries open, the cops are absolutely nuts.


Reminder that the above is a policy choice compared to viable alternatives:

Brown really making these other administrators look like total clowns. They got the protesters to pack up the encampment by agreeing to discuss it and hold a vote in October. But these other schools would rather call in the police to beat the shit out of their own students and faculty, arrest a bunch of them, ruin some lives, etc.

I’m sorry but their plan is to checks notes expel a bunch of checks notes again Columbia students. It’s like these administrators are not aware that the protestors they are dealing with are some of the most privileged people on planet earth.

They’re all going to graduate in the end, there are going to be zero career consequences for any of them, and the college is going to be meaningfully worse off in terms of prestige than it was when this started. Also everyone in the upper levels of administration is going to be gone in 24 months and their next job sure as shit isn’t going to be at a school anything close to where Columbia was before they fucked up.

Once again kudos to the kids they’re really putting on a PR clinic. Absolutely crushing it. They probably just single handedly ended the bad faith debates about ‘free speech’ in college, which were always 100% about white boys whose favorite book is Atlas Shrugged feeling safe just asking questions about whether X horrifying atrocity white people did was really that bad. Those people vanishing while other people’s free speech was totally trampled on was a glorious look that I’ll never let any of them ever forget should they ever fuck up and bring up ‘cancel culture’ to me again.

Finally found an instance of violence at one of these protests:

Shortly before midnight, a group of about 200 pro-Israel counter-protesters arrived at UCLA’s campus and began attempting to tear down barriers surrounding the student encampment. Videos on social media show the group firing fireworks into the encampment, beating students, throwing objects, and shouting things like “second Nakba,” at the encampment — a reference to the 1948 ethnic cleansing and expulsion of Palestinians from the territory that now comprises Israel.


Biden needs to do something here. This is one of those situations where Democrats are at risk of being on the complicated side of something Republicans will make seem very simple. I don’t think arguing that this was a university and local police matter is going to do Democrats much good.

He should probably be leaning on university administrators to follow the Brown model, and then give a speech condemning violence and chaos, and urging both protesters and universities to agree to hold a public forum and then hold a vote through whatever the university’s process is on divestment. Say some stuff about how it’s not good for anyone to have students encamped on campuses when they should be learning.

The only way Biden wins swing states is with racist white people votes, he’s been dealt a horrible hand here.

I’m conflicted about it, I still think worth to keep his mouth shut until summer break and see if everything just disappears

Such a weird timeline to have the racists defending the Jews. Most people I interact with assume I blindly side with Israel because I’m Jewish.

I hate it here!


It’s the worst seriously. I regret every person on earth who knows I’m half Jewish at this point.

I think this is a no-win situation. Impossible to please both sides and which ever side he leans to will greatly piss off the other side which has strongly held convictions. From a political strategy perspective I think it’s best to stay out of it as much as possible.