2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Also money making spouse dies, widow gets got.

Yeah, it’s this. Elder abuse is a significant problem.

So I’m in the southwest, on vacation. Drive up to Target the week before Christmas on a Saturday at 2pm, it’s absolute a mad house. I spy an open spot

Flagstaff, Arizona


We shopped at Target today. So many transactions at checkout seemed to take forever. We had gift cards so not able to use the self checkout.

The first line we were in we waited about 10 minutes with no movement. No clue what the problem was lady’s purchase was not going smoothly.

We switch lines. The manager hollers over to our guy to turn off his light to go on break. Thankfully they kick out the people behind us in line.

Whole checkout ordeal took about 1/2 hour.

Got the distinct feeling there was a systematic issue. Not enough staff. Not trained well. Bad register system. Not sure what, but not random. Started to feel like I was in a KMart for lack of efficiency.

My target has had absurd lines for the past year plus the once every month or two that I go in. Makes it feel like they have calculated that long lines don’t make them lose much business or are trying to make people do online orders or something



It’s not easy to get a misdemeanor DV conviction. Kudos to those prosecutors. So much for Kang the Conqueror.

Absolutely bonkers high school football photo of the day:

6’ 4" and 215 lbs is the height and weight of #11


Elite spoiler usage, lol wow


Yeah… it’s always wild when you see a future NFL All-Pro vs a normal person. The big guy is a JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL.

Holy shit and the big man is farther from camera so don’t think there any perspective shenanigans

Yeah that picture is #11 discovering he will never play pro football in real time lol. That junior in high school is significantly larger than Vince Wilfork lol. (6’6 and 380 lbs vs 6’2 and 325)

Honestly if he wouldn’t obviously be playing at the age appropriate level I’d want to see a birth certificate.

One of my favorite football pictures:


That’s future NFL Hall of Fame left tackle Jonathan Ogden playing high school football at 6’8 300something.

Yeah, just run it behind that guy

What sort of sentence is Majors looking at here? Clearly a criminal record is not a true deal breaker for the MCU, but perhaps it is when you are Black.

Disney already dropped him. I think a DV conviction is a dealbreaker (and should be) in the metoo age. As far as sentence? Up to a year in jail but I’d say any jail time is incredibly unlikely with no priors and he’s likely looking at probation, a fine, and a permanent order of protection in favor of the victim.

Speaking of scams, this just happened to me:

  • I get an email from PayPal that I got $300 from a woman’s name I’ve never seen before
  • the email appears 100% legit, not phishing, I log into my PayPal account (by typing in the URL myself, not clicking anything in the email) and it says I have $300 from this woman
  • a couple hours pass and I get a message from this person on PayPal saying “did u get the 300 yet”

Is there some kind of scam vector? If this is legit and she just fucked up and sent $300 to the wrong person I would be like “hey uh I don’t know what this is and suspect you didn’t mean to send it to me”, but is there some way that the $300 I was sent isn’t real/final and I would be out $300 if I tried to send them the money back?

edit: they have now sent me a request for $300 with the note “grandma”

sounds like this https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/13jzjd1/paypal_scam_do_i_just_keep_the_money/

I think what you’re supposed to do is report an unauthorized transaction through Help → Resolution Center → Report a Problem. I think I would not be contacting this person directly just out of an abundance of caution.


Paypal transactions sent under “friends and family” can be canceled by the sender and they will always side with the sender/seller.

It’s a scam.

This is a common scam when selling records. Paypal will even pull from your bank account if it’s connected based on an unverified claim.

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It doesn’t appear like I can use this avenue to report a problem, at least not without changing my PayPal password (the only available reasons to report, possibly because it was sent via friends & family, are problems with my account which makes it be like “well change your fucking password or else we’re locking your account”).

(I tried the last one which seemed the least “my account was hacked” and most “someone else did some shit” and it put me down the path described above)