2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice


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I think a tragedy of libertarian-era 2+2 Politics was that it taught me aversion to long Yootoobz, because

I’m like 2/3 through this and, despite the obvious paradox of the remainder of this sentence, it is a highly engaging and tightly edited 4 hour video. It’s definitely making me think about the kinds of videos I watch and what kind of work does or does not go into making them.

is this the hbomberguy thing

like, I’m glad a guy did a four-hour youtube about it but anyone who actually watches the whole thing is literally a fucking psycho

my mom doesn’t understand what I do at work so I sent her this


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Whew I’m generally not type to complain much but having young kids is just phenomenally tiring both mentally and physically. Feels like our whole life has been just sheer chaos/irritability for months on end


Welcome to the party, pal. Wasn’t exhausting for our parents!

Ours are 2 years apart and the years from 3 and 1 to 5 and 3 are a miserable blur. There is no sugar coating it, it is terrible.


That’s reassuring that not a unique experience. Like there are tons of nice moments that will be good memories looking back on a picture but the day to day is an absolute grind

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Mine are 5 and 3 now and it is unrelenting. I am nowhere near any family on mine or my wife’s side and when we are nearby they’re not much help anyway. One of the downsides of having kids later in life is the grandparents are also older and less able to watch kids, while I have less energy than I did in ages 25-35. My kids both prefer me to my wife at this age and love me so much, but that just makes them compete and get jealous when I give their sibling attention.

I have occasionally thought about how nice it would be to separate with equal custody, because having my kids like 4 days a week would give me time to recover and be ready to give 100% again. That’s a horrible idea for a lot of reasons but the need for a break is real.

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So spread your kids out 5+ years or only have 1 seem to be the play. I’d lean only have 1

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yeah thanks for the nightmares guys as we try for #2 with a just short of 2 year old

We are at 6 and 3. 6 is starting to get much easier. 3 not so much.

Next up, endless, unrelenting extracurriculars.

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Enjoy it all. The 2-4 age is tough in aspects, but the innocence and exuberance cannot be replicated.

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I think the real low point was around 3rd-4th grade, that’s when they really start trying to figure out exactly where the boundaries are, how far they can push, what they can get away with, etc. Coaching any sports team at this age will absolutely break you.


I think there are potential rewards to having your kids close, like your kids hopefully being closer with each other later in life, being able to share toys, clothes and other hand me downs, and being able to do similar activities due to close age. Not to mention you get done with the tough parts quicker and don’t have to repeat them. It’s just tough in the toddler and early childhood years.

It’s very gratifying later on but it puts a ton of stress on every other part of your life most importantly your marriage and career.

Lots of this goes back to USA #1 just being a piece of shit country where any medical problem can get you laid off and into bankruptcy and we provide absolute dogshit maternity and paternity leave.

Traveling in European countries is truly sickening because it highlights how awful we are as a country. It’s notably safer, with vibes to match, not only because they have gun control but also because they have systems that function to care for the bottle quarter of the population.

It gets easier.

No, it’s much easier to have two, then they play with each other and you can get some time to yourself. When I just had the one she unrelentingly demanded absolutely constant attention. Once she got a sister to play with it was easier.

The youngest two are 16 months apart and fought to the point their older siblings called the “Itchy and Scratchy”

Pretty awesome when big brother and little sister danced at her wedding.

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No kids and no regrets as of right now. Wife is even more anti-kid than I am.

Maybe if we didn’t live in an insane country, we would have considered it. Maybe.

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