2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice


You’d rather have democrats attacking each other?

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ESPN has betting lines where you literally click the line to bet on every game on the front page and scoreboards now. Fuck everything.

Wow that’s wild. Surprised Mickey allows it

Good read. This is also relevant to my work in software, where we use a similar philosophy to diagnose outages or other fuckups and figure out how to prevent similar issues in the future, focusing on what parts of our systems & processes allowed it to happen rather than specific individuals who may have made mistakes.


You’re surprised that Mickey allows making money? Paging SSC.

Thought Disney had some pretty substantial historical pushback to anything involving gambling. Like no casinos on their cruises or whatever even though all the others do. I guess espn is not clearly Disney to most people so they don’t fear hurting the family friendly image there

Yeah this is a huge issue in medical field in the US as historically it’s taken exact opposite approach with predictably crappy outcomes. They claim to try to approach like aviation but the culture is still massively driven by everyone being afraid they are going to be dragged through years of legal proceedings or barred from practice if something bad happens and lawyers/families want to put a name on who fucked up to get compensation.

I got an email from the Porter campaign complaining that Schiff is trying to make it seem like he’s the only Dem running with the Garvey ads so at least one fellow candidate would prefer Dem infighting. It makes sense considering California does a jungle primary so it’s better for it to be 2 Dems facing off in November than open the possibility for Garvey riding Trump’s coattails.

You don’t know Mickey very well.

Is there any other gambling at Disney related stuff?

ETA - I thought they viewed it as a threat to their business / brand

No, you’re right, there’s not. This is a sea change for the organization started by the last (now fired) CEO.

I guess I can see if you sitting on ESPN and seeing online sports betting explode it would feel stupid not to get in on that action but now that I’m looking headlines make it seem like was still a bit of a surprise

There’s a book called “Complications” by Atul Gawande that really hammers this kind of point home for how this should be used in medicine. It’s not though, malpractice law is dumb as hell and peer review, at least at my institution, is damn near vindictive and only blames physicians for problems instead of systems.

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I don’t even bike and this shit is fucking RADICALIZING me


Bukowski FTW

In college I was a big Bukowski fan… These days I’m in the “how to separate the art from the artist” conundrum. I enjoy his writing, but he was a woman beating bastard.

Unfortunately he’s just one of many male artists from that era who were like that. These days I’m like, “No, getting drunk and abusing your wife/girlfriend doesn’t make you cool, it makes you a pathetic asshole.”

This movie is the usual hagiography, but there’s a super cringy scene in it, where a drunk Bukowski gets mad at his girlfriend, sitting on the couch, and starts kicking her and cursing her out. He looks like nothing but a big petulant toddler in a man’s body.


I guess I’ve never looked too deeply at the “real” Bukowski, but I can’t say I’m surprised.

I’m reading this one (Ham on Rye) for the first time (thrift store find!) and the line about people “voting for the presidential candidate who reminded them most of themselves” just struck a special nerve as we careen towards this election.


Ham on Rye is one of his best novels. I like them all though. His writing has such an honesty to it.

I can separate the art from the artist here when I look at his life experience, coming of age.

I felt like Giamatti’s character in “The Holdovers” had a bit of Chinaski in him.