2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

I think we need to take that one over to the hot take thread.

I think you’re only supposed to wear white during the summer, right? Wearing white after Labor Day is scandalous in fashion, unless you’re a bride.

I have heard this, but I’ve always wondered when the official start date for white is. We know it ends on Labor Day, but when does it start? 4th of July? Seems like a small window. Sooner?

For what it’s worth, I’m the opposite. Love Indian but do not love naan (too filling; like tortilla chips and salsa with a Mexican lunch–totally unnecessary).

I like naan fine, but only when it’s called for. IIRC, you like South Indian food, so zero need for Naan there. It wouldn’t even really go.

I also think Naan really goes best with certain spicy meat curries or some paneer dishes. If you don’t eat those, then I’d agree that Naan isn’t necessary and would often be out of place.

My take is mainly based on a friend who claims Indian is his favorite food, but refuses to go to an Indian Restaurant that doesn’t serve naan. I suspect there are many more like him.

I think I found a better explanation here:

Seems like a tie in to an Instagram teaser that may allude to an album announcement? This would make me out of touch, I guess, but that is way inside baseball.

That makes sense.

Naan is a good proxy for what else is on the menu. If they serve naan, you have a pretty good idea of what else is on the menu. There are exceptions, but it’s a pretty good rule of thumb, especially in the US. So it could be that he just likes North Indian food. Or maybe he does indeed just really like Naan.

Is he only eating plain naan when he goes to an Indian restaurant? Maybe he doesn’t like basmati rice or has an allergy or something.

I usually get garlic naan and rice. Double carbs FTW

He certainly eats the rest of the food, including rice, if included in the dish. But he’s explicitly told me numerous times that for him, naan is the main attraction.

Any thoughts on Schiff vs Porter? Haven’t been paying too close attention

Whichever one is in the safer congressional district.

Porter’s is probably the least safe but she’s focusing entirely on her Senate run anyway so that Congressional seat is up for grabs no matter what.

The Dem fight for Porter’s seat is pretty vicious

The fight took a tense turn on Thursday, when Weiss’ campaign released an ad alleging Min has accepted money from special interests and criticizing him for driving while intoxicated. The ad included police dashcam video that shows Min swaying as the officer conducts a field sobriety test.

“It’s important that voters in our community understand their choice in this election. Dave Min cannot be trusted and he is a huge liability for Democrats in this must-win race to flip the House,” said Weiss’ campaign manager, Emma Weinert.

Min responded on X that “it’s so disappointing to see Joanna Weiss run such a negative campaign.”

His camp argues that Weiss, a first-time candidate, doesn’t have the name recognition needed to win such a competitive seat.

Questions have also been raised about the source of funds Weiss has used to support her campaign. An article published by the Daily Beast this month suggests the money is income earned by her husband, Jason Weiss, who specializes in labor and employment law at the firm Sheppard Mullin and has defended the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange in child sex abuse lawsuits.

Weiss called the story “a desperate attack.”

I agree that it’s down to those two in the primary—Barb Lee can’t win. So, vote for the more progressive—Porter. Unless you think she is a nutbag or corrupt. In the general vote for Porter unless it’s Schiff vs Garvey, then vote for Schiff.

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I’ve been seeing Schiff ads on TV that don’t even pretend there’s other Dem candidates, he’s attacking the Republican candidate which is utterly irrelevant in this state. It’s annoyingly arrogant.

What if it polls better to attack Republicans than do dirt on other Dems? That’s basically what the Repub presidential candidates did.

The race for Schiff’s seat is kind of interesting. There are at least three candidates I could vote for: Anthony Portantino (state senator), Laura Friedman (state assemblywoman), and Maebe A. Girl (Silver Lake Neighborhood Councilmember and trans activist). Other candidates include actor Ben Savage. Portantino has been stepping up to help defeat the lunatic wannabe Nazis running for our local school board in Glendale, so I think he’s got my vote.