2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Annualized, but still.

So basically he beat the S&P by around 1% to 1.5% before fees, and his investors got smoked by fees.

He probably uses leverage, making those returns even less impressive.

The guy nailed MBIA like 20 years ago, conceded. Hes not a total moron. But he is an insufferable douche.

Welp… trying for baby #2. We did four rounds of IVF for baby #1, only one cycle worked were we got four embryos (all girls lol).

Embryo #1 - my daughter
Embryo #2 - failed implantation

Had two left coming into todays transfer… but embryo #3 didn’t survive thawing so suddenly we’re down to our last bullet.

Don’t think we should do ivf again. It’s a special type of hell on my wife.

Find out in 10 days if it worked


I can’t imagine the stress and anxiety that must cause the both of you.

All the best for you that it works out.

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Teamwork makes the dream work



you gotta pay extra for MaggotFreeComfortPlus class

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Is that what happens when you leave snakes on the motherfucking plane too long?


We got the Franklin paddles and they seemed to serve us well. Had a great time again today.

I’m pretty much useless around the net and with the overall strategy but have a pretty powerful top spin forehand from table tennis so can manage to score some points against folks more experienced than me to at least have fun.

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Got very lucky and caught a patient with an aortic dissection (main pipe in your body has a tear, high risk to pop and die). Managed it well despite it being refractory and difficult. Basically managed the blood pressure with two very aggressive agents plus a lot of pain meds. Put in an arterial line to monitor the blood pressure in real time. Was working in a pretty small ER today.

CT surgeon at Stanford complemented my management… that type of shit doesn’t happen. Proud of myself, mad a real difference.


Great job!

How does something like that present?

He was admitted an another hospital for six days for meth intoxication and acute respiratory failure. He said that everything hurt. Chest, back, flank and abdomen all hurt.

I thought he was withdrawing after getting a bunch of opiates and suddenly having to go dry. I did a ct scan though along with a bunch of labs, but not a ct angiogram which is the definitive way to diagnose it. Luckily it was clear as day on the normal CT. The CT angiogram confirmed his entire aorta was torn from his heart to his groin.

Dissection is the ER docs worst nightmare. It can present in all sorts of crazy ways. It’s rare enough that you can look for it all the time, but common enough you see it. If you miss it, mortality is sky high.

This guy was probably dealing with a dissection for a week, as an inpatient, and they never found it

Is CT triple rule out still a big thing for chest pain in ER? Seem to remember a time anyone who said chest pain within a mile of an ER was getting one

Holy crap. And they could repair it. Wow. Hopefully he takes this medical miracle and beats his addiction.

It’s never been a thing in my training, which admittedly only goes back to 2015 or so in EM.

If you have a concern for dissection and PE you can just order a dissection study in a modern CT scanner

Hate to see it




Just finished 2 weeks of jury duty in a civil trial, basically a contract dispute between a medical marijuana dispensary operator and the grow facility that was operating under their license.

After 6 days of testimony from 5 witnesses and endless parsing of the language of the contract, today would have been the final day with closing arguments/jury instructions/deliberations. However we were informed that the parties reached a confidential agreement last night and it was all over. Kind of disappointed we didn’t get to hash it out tbh.

In AZ jurors are allowed to submit written questions for witnesses and apparently our jury was way more engaged and asked way more questions than average. It seems like the content and tone of the questions might have contributed to the settlement since one side might have detected that we were mostly thinking their counterclaims were bullshit and the other side was going to get all the money.

I’ve always dreaded getting on a civil jury since it might turn out to be tedious and boring, but this case was super interesting and I was riveted the whole time. Fellow jurors seemed decent and cool for the most part. I continue to recommend people stop trying to get out of jury duty.