2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Leaving for vacation, and jeez leaving the toddler is super weird. That kiddo has been what my world has revolved around for more than 2 years and then being gone for a week is already jarring (we stayed in an airport hotel so we wouldn’t risk Bay Area traffic to sfo)


Trying making the “let’s not talk about the kid” pledge for a few hours. Almost impossible.


The wife and I both went on vacation together without the kids for the first time 2 months ago. My mom kept the kids. The first night they called us and both kids were bawling. The 3 year old couldn’t catch his breath he was crying so hard. The 2nd night was a little rough. They were pretty much fine after that.

For preschool age kids we always found it better just not to call the kids. Seems their sense of time not great so just rustles them up to remind them that you’re not there. Granted our kids spend a lot of time with the grandparents already so they really are in the primary caregivers category already so maybe that makes things different.

We are in similar territory with grandparents. But they had never been away from both of us at the same time. They called us, because the 3 year old was practically hyperventilating at bed time.

I’m so freaking jealous of people who can leave their kids with grandparents for a vacation

We have a harder time when the kids come back from G&G’s. After getting spoiled for however long, getting back on the routine of chores and bed times and not having dessert, etc. is a battle.

I just leave my kids at home by themselves

I’ve solved this problem by not having kids.

my kids are 18 and 20 btw

Years, not months-right? Right?

And the parties thrown while you are not at home. A grandparent on premises would cut that down greatly.

This makes me curious about the percent of people in the forum who have kids.

Do you have kids?

  • I have kids
  • I do not have kids, but I plan to or would like to
  • I do not have kids and do not plan to have any
0 voters

Long long ago my wife and I decided to not have kids. The kids took it hard at first, but they seem ok with it now.


Valerie Watson returned to Oklahoma City’s Will Rogers World Airport in tears on Tuesday morning in a drastic departure from how she imagined her long weekend trip to Turks and Caicos would end.

Watson is home, but her husband, Ryan Watson, is in jail on the island and facing a potential mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years behind bars after airport security allegedly found four rounds of hunting ammo in his carry-on bag earlier this month.

We were trying to pack board shorts and flip flops," Valerie Watson told CBS News. "Packing ammunition was not at all our intent.


I’m sorry but packing ammunition in luggage is darwin award stupid. Internationally it’s obviously very very bad, but I’m guessing getting caught trying to bring it on a plane isn’t a great idea either.

Wait so did they get fucked over by TSA missing it?

I have zero fucking sympathy. Absolutely none. If you are a gun owner you are part of the fucking problem, and this is absolutely a case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Only in America are guns so prominent that you can just accidentally forget about that gun or that ammo in your luggage.

But also, how did TSA miss this on the way out of the US?