2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

My in laws just put an offer in on a house which would move them from Arizona to a 10 minute drive from our house. Super happy and hopeful. I’ve had a great relationship with them since I was a teenager. So much easier to raise a family with more help around



And nothing of value was lost.gif

Visiting a buddy in North Scottsdale, got halfway up the walk to the front door before I realized this was NOT a friendly neighborhood cat. I’m sure he would have just run away if I’d actually approached him, but it was a surreal moment.

Apparently he’s been spotted quite a bit in the neighborhood over the past few months, but never just chilling out on somebody’s porch like this.


You really gotta tell your buddy to quit the Bobcats Eating Faces Party.


Are they a threat to humans, or too small for us to worry?

Around here we get the occasional mountain lion sighting on someone’s outdoor camera, hopefully I never come face to face with one like that :harold:

You’d have much better chances at winning a fight against a bobcat compared to a mountain lion, but it will still absolutely ruin your day. Those fuckers are fast and have big-ass claws.

Yeah I think bobcats really try to avoid people if they can. Maybe if he felt cornered (for example by an idiot walking up on a front porch)…

I’m trying to imagine fighting a determined bobcat, though. Without a baseball bat or something I’m not sure I’d have a chance. I’d say this particular cat was in the 18-20 lb range but who knows.

The most important part is the bobcat is way less likely to pick a fight with you in the first place.

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Looked it up, looks like in North America you’ve got about a 77% chance of surviving a mountain lion attack. Most of the 23% are kids.

They’re also one of the ones you’re better off being loud and threatening than freezing or running from.

I feel like, in a neighborhood setting, you’d be able to retreat somewhere before taking fatal injuries.

We have bobcats in our neighborhood. I’m surprised you were able to get that close without it showing at least some alarm. It makes me wonder if it is unwell - people use poison to exterminate mice and rats, the bobcats (and all other predators) eat them and get sick. So there’s a good reminder to everyone to not use poison to deal with rodent issues.


Mountain lions tend to attack the back of your head first so at least you won’t have time to get scared…

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I’m surprised you don’t see more bobcats out in Arizona, tbh. I suppose they’re very good at not being seen.

“My neighbor’s dog was barking and it drew my attention,” she said. “I saw the cat and I took a picture. The cat took two steps and was on top of me … It came for my face.”

Shades of, “I never thought the bobcat would come for MY face!”

Rabid bobcats don’t like paparazzi, I guess.

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“I saw the cat and I took a picture. The cat took two steps and was on top of me … It came for my face.”


Fwiw I don’t think he was sick or poisoned, hopefully just making the best of our first 105 degree day.

We watched him from inside the house and after a few minutes he got up, stretched, and sauntered off into the bushes, fully content in the knowledge that he was the supreme alpha of the neighborhood.


Yeah the way they walk is awesome, it’s their world and we just live in it.

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And they’re under contract, boom

Also survived a cross country solo trip with a two year old. Downing an Oberon, headed to bed


The owners of 2+2’s website appear to have forgotten to renew their registration. :leolol:

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Can we register it real quick?