2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

There’s a grace period before someone can steal it and they’ve got it back up now. Would’ve been hilarious if we could’ve bought it and redirected to this site.

ETA: might have just gone down again so no clue what’s happening now

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lol, you know when you’re talking about something with a friend and then you get an ad for it online? I think this is the IRL version:

From my wife. Imagining if our poor sweet Rosie was outside alone: :harold:


want to try these now


Well update to this story…

This didn’t work, so we did another cycle. That didn’t work. So we did another IVF cycle. Got 5 eggs this time and find out if we got any embryos tomorrow. Probably the last round.


Got one viable embryo. Find out if it’s genetically normal (euploid) and sex n 2 weeks.

This is good news. Could have been better, but given how things have gone for us it’s a win.


I’ve got a husband now who has a toddler daughter (via IVF), and his wife just went through her second implant attempt at the end of last week. I was surprised that they didn’t know the sex, but he said it’s only known when you choose to do genetic testing.

Good luck later this month!

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Heard “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits (1985) on the radio just now.

  1. I’m 99% sure the verse that begins “That little faggot with the earring and the makeup” was just completely excised. WOKENESS strikes again!

Now I’m wondering when they started doing this. Maybe there was a radio edit decades ago that left out this verse. :man_shrugging:

Edit: checked the Wikipedia page, this lyric was controversial from the start and it’s possible that the original version hasn’t been heard on American radio since the late 80s.

  1. I also noticed the lyric “We’ve got to move these color TVs.” When was the last time someone had to refer to a “color tv”? Do kids today even realize we used to watch tv on tiny curved black and white screens with antennas and bad reception and 3 channels with no streaming, no cable, and no DVRs?


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Ten years ago I would have had no sympathy for this post. Tragically that is no longer the case.

You’re in your 70’s?

I’m 59. Lots of leftover TVs from the 60s when I was a kid.



I’m 50 and same. Think our first color tv was in 1983 or so.

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My first TV was a little black and white hand-me-down from my boss at my first job out of college. It had… ba ba bahhhhh no cable!

51 years old. Color TVs in the living room and parent’s room, black and white in the basement.

Another forgotten fact of TV life was the lack of remote controls. If you wanted to change the channel you had to get up and walk across the goddam room. Separate dials for VHF and UHF. Madness.

I remember an early VCR (a top-loading betamax!) that had a remote control but it was wired and plugged into the front so you had to be careful not to trip over it.

In the late 60s or early 70s, my father “invented” a device that consisted of a wire running under the carpet that connected to the back of the tv and a hand-held on/off switch like this:


It sat on the coffee table between the easy chairs and was used to turn the tv volume on and off during commercials.

During my youth this device was universally referred to as the “blab-off” and today I learned that this was not an original name but an actual product you could buy. But of course my father was too cheap to buy one so he just figured out how to make his own.



I hear this song on corporate radio with some frequency, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard a censored version.

As the youngest, my job was to lay on the floor near the Tv to I could switch the channel and change the rooftop antennae direction to match.

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I remember when my grandfather got a TV with remote control, it had those huge chunky buttons and it was ultrasonic. Didn’t understand this at the time but when you chunked down on the buttons they hit these tiny tuning forks that emitted a tone too high-pitched for humans to hear that the TV detected and performed the function (I think it was just power and channel up or down, maybe volume?)

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it was very similar to this one though I remember the buttons being lined up vertically

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