2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

That’s what I’m going to try.

I’m sure he would be leery or messing with any remote control software, and I don’t like the idea of him being the one who has to uninstall it.

Yeah it seems more likely than not that there’s little/nothing left. Which is fine, but I’d prefer they enjoy it than lighting it on fire. My wife really doesn’t want them to end up in any nursing home, let alone a shitty one. Given some of the shit he’s said to me or about me to others (very dismissive of what I do and disrespectful when I’ve previously offered financial advice), and the fact that we’re far from financially comfortable/set up, and given he’s accused me of coming after his money when I suggested moving brokerages due to high fees… It’s hard for me to want to support them. But they’re my parents, my mom has done nothing wrong, and my father was always there for me growing up and into adulthood.

So, as I guess these things tend to be, it’s complicated.

Also as one friend pointed out, having him living with us could be a huge financial liability for scammers to get him to torch our money.


That was what we expected but the cats are actually just really into staring at him so far. He’s made them slightly less aloof too because he’s been getting all of the attention.


Who is hiring a guy that would literally fall for a new Nigerian prince scam every single day of the calendar year to do freelance work?

Boomers. Managers and business owners he’s got connections with. He charges I’m guessing 30% of the going rate, he’s always done good work dirt cheap and undersold himself.



I’m a little disturbed I made this dude’s rankings. I don’t like it. I’m pretty sure this means I’m wasting my life somehow.

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Wait, is David on this site? He referenced it in his post?

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Lol, dude is still so raw that I called out his child sexual abuse and exploitation.

David I hope you’re reading this -

The fact that you made this list, regardless of the rankings, means you’re a fucking moron regardless of your IQ.

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Still somehow hates suzzer even more than you.

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wait I knew about the 2nd one but not the 1st, wtf

I think he lurks. BTW Jalfreizi is still actively trying to get people to brigade UP, I think that’s why lagtit showed up and started trolling everyone.

We haven’t seen a ranking this good since Timex earned the top spot on BonafiedGreat’s list.


He lived with a mentally disabled girl who was like 50 years his junior for a while. Maybe she wasn’t technically a minor but it was icky as fuck.

That’s in addition to when he crept on Brandi Hawbaker culminating in him telling her to kill herself, and then she killed herself.

60 year old incels gonna incel.


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Watching H-Bob devolve into full blown maga cryptobro has been so embarrassing to watch.


Haralabob too? How long has he been known MAGA?





Apparently all of the OG NBA twitter heads clown him in group chats constantly.