2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Now do Reagan and gun control.

Fabulous gay unemployed news anchor Don Lemon out here catchin strays


Huge shock it was a nothingburger. I can’t ever have anything nice.

Don Lemon is authentically weird in ways that I find charming. Sort of enjoy his dumb goofy shenanigans.

Kinda wild story (gift link):

Cliffs: two high-powered lawyers with kids in a D.C. Little League use the threat of litigation to wrest control of its all-star team (the one you’d see on TV in the Little League World Series if they win enough) from its longtime Black coach, continuing to threaten to sue anyone & everyone (including the author of this piece, who also has a kid in this group) who criticize them or get in their way.

Discharged yesterday and literally walked out of the hospital. Mental status mostly at baseline (hard to tell).

Third time I’ve done this and had it work.


Legit have saved some lives lately at work. It’s pretty rare tbh. Most of my job is getting people to where they need to go, or they’re going to die no matter what I do and at best I delayed it by a few hours.

Saved an arrhythmia induced by smoking fentanyl and god knows what else by pushing sodium bicarb in a 30 year old mom on an educated guess.

Saved an 55M from hyperkalemia on an ekg alone.

I’ve had a really shitty past few months personally (doing a lot better now), and I need to save these for the lean months upcoming


Guess the ethnicity!

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That’s really great, CN!

A few of our long-time patients, coming to our dialysis clinic since before I started, 2.5 years ago, aren’t doing well.

It sucks, and it’s inevitable, but it’s rewarding to think our efforts got them the time to enjoy with their families since they’ve been coming here. See their grandkids get a little bit older. Because without us, they would have succumbed long ago.

Do all ER doctors burn out pretty young? Because Jesus Christ the stress levels you deal with are off the charts. I though my previous job handling homicide prosecutions was bad (and I eventually quit in part due to stress), but you’ve just got people dying or not dying based on split-second decisions you’re making. That’s nuts. Good job though.

Don’t have kids, but I can’t even fathom giving a shit about how prestigious your kid’s little league team is. I mean, it’s obviously cool if they get to be on ESPN, but good god why would you ever get this psycho over this shit.

One of the highest level of burnout in a major medical profession.

My job is pretty chill too.

Honestly the job stuff doesn’t put too much strain on me. I got a lot of training for it. The being a good husband and dad I find a lot harder


Gotta imagine the schedule got a lot do with it, hear all these young Medstudents with no kids talking about how great for their rockclimbing will be working only X days a month having no idea what it’s like flipping your sleep schedule in your 40s or having a schedule with no correlation to when kids in school/weekends/etc

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I have to assume Pat McAfee is a MAGA guy… Looks like he had a little reality injected into his view of Berkeley.


On the flip side it seems like a profession that is also very well suited to setting your own schedule. If you’re willing to take make less money and aren’t super picky about where you work, you could probably have a schedule that is very accommodating to other things you want to do.

I wasn’t good enough to be on my town’s little league team that eventually lost to the international team in the LLWS final #humblebrag

The year before we went X-0 with half of that future team lol.

It is with the caveat that it’s hard to do that and be part of a group. You can work locums your entire career but your pay will vary with the market a lot.

The best way to do it is to get into a group that cuts nights for their most senior members, but that’s frequently not sustainable.

And I imagine it miserable constantly working in different systems/locations/teams/etc

My solution to this was to not have kids

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Foggy? Yo it’s hot as hell today, think it was 95 in SF when I left (unless that was part of his joke about marijuana smoke)