2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

We lived together before we got married. That’s why.


anyone used ATT fiber before? how is your experience? I’m on spectrum and I can’t begin to speak poorly enough about the experience and am considering switching over.

Never really noticed it before but that is super true. The 50’s-60’s stand-up comedy routines were always focused on how much being married sucks.

We have att fiber. No complaints really. This is Wi-Fi on my phone.

Desktop is connected by Ethernet to a wireless access point. I’ll upload that speed.

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Nice. I’m paying for 1gb at spectrum. I rarely get above 150mbps. I’ve called to complain and they blame it on me. frequent outages too.

Desktop through wireless access point (modem is in living room so cant hardwire). Don’t have much issue with outages. The modem + router they give you kind of sucks. I know people sometimes have problems with it. But we’ve had this for years without any major issue I can remember.

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Unless they are mixing bit and byte units there you are not getting what you paid for. Outside Boulder on Xfinity’s 1000Mbps plan I’m getting this:

no it’s for sure megabits, not bytes. We had that discussion on the phone and I had to flex my CS degree on the poor support representative.


my god. had the worst call with the smarmiest support representative now.

I have had issues with recurring subscriptions over the last few years and just been tackling them as I found them. I had a subscription to my…heri…tage.com (dont wanna give them any SEO here) which is a geneology site, for a project I was doing for my family last year.

Well, it turns out I had a “free” trial for their data plan which gives you access to a bazillion databases and isn’t a bad service to use at all. There must have been some dark patterns involved, apparently shortly after I was charged $89 in april of 2022, which I didnt notice. Then yesterday I see a charge of $189 for my “recurring” yearly plan.

first off, I know I didnt subscribe to yearly plan. on the site it says I’m still on the “free” plan (lol). anyway, semantics aside, I called their support and got a call back this morning.

I plainly stated I no longer use the service and don’t plan to and would like either a full refund or a prorated refund. He comes back and says he cant do that, but can offer me a discounted yearly rate or a free DNA kit (no i’m not giving you my fucking dna). I declined and said a little more firmly that no, I wanted a refund since I’ve only been subscribed to the service for less than 24hrs that is a reasonable request.

(nevermind the fact that my subscription renewal was due in april, which he condescendingly reminded me “we sent you an email” that I never received, regardless, once that payment bounced, they should have cancelled my plan like nearly every other site in existence does - the reason it got charged 2 months later is when I updated paypal with a payment method, they immediately charged it and renewed me. super scummy)

so, he comes back after talking to his manager and offers me 50% off for the year. I again stated i do not use the service anymore and do not wish to, and then said “The next steps for me are to file a dispute with paypal and/or my credit card. Then, a complaint to the BBB. I don’t think that’s really worth the $100 or whatever you guys are getting for me, but if that’s what we have to do, fine.”

he got kinda snotty and then immediately issued a full refund after repeating many times that he couldn’t and that it was my fault. lol. scumbags.

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I assume @skydiver8 would enjoy this:


I love that story, first read it someplace before the internet then saw the pilots telling of it more recently, what a great story.

And a cool blog post from my favorite Twitter history professor:

While mostly about Cleopatra (and his take that she was not a great ruler), he does a really great job of relating to non-academic readers how in the weeds the actual scholarship of this stuff is, like how difficult it is to really have any idea about her ethnicity and how the vanishingly scarce ancient sources on the subject really don’t help much (and are up for considerable debate themselves, which he admits that even he & his PhD in ancient history do not make him qualified to judge!).

Also, wild amounts of inbreeding in that family; if you assume Cleopatra’s lineage is legitimate, all her grandparents are siblings (plus a child of those siblings).

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blue whale are migrating right now near me. it’s early in the season to be seeing them. I’ve seen one up close before and I can only say it’s like seeing the Grand Canyon level of breathtaking and hard for your mind to process. I think I’m going to try to go see one again tomorrow.

They are almost certainly the largest creatures to have ever lived and I fear at the likely ~2.5-2.7C end of century predictions (more optimistic than they should be) will be a world these fantastic beasts will be unable to live in.


Thanks for this link, it was a fantastic read and I’m gonna check out more of his site!

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Instagram MD expert about to give me a stroke


thanks for reminding me to reup my inhaler lol

Chocking sounds serious.

Real BruceZ posting hours who up

If you don’t know who paulG is, he made a shit ton of money writing software in the 90s, and now posts a bunch of “I’m so worried about all the forbidden thoughts I’m not allowed to publish” tweets

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I’m thinking, I mean I know someone that is thinking of moving from Cox to Att. But there may be an issue—

Suppose you have an online acquaintance and he’s not the sharpest spoon in the drawer and he over paid his internet bill by $500 because he wouldn’t have to think about it for a few months, then the next week he decided he wanted to go with a different provider. The first provider would cut him a check for the extra amount he paid? Right? Boy this guy is a maroon.

I thought you were the old guy from UP!