2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Sometimes people just look like other people. A guy at my poker table last week looked like a combination of William H. Macy and Mark Hamill.

But sometimes you just can’t quite put your finger on it. I see Andrea Bernstein of ProPublica on the NewsHour all the time and I finally figured out who she reminds me of.


Lenny Turteltaub from Bojack Horseman (voiced by JK Simmons)

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There was a guy at Parx that had to be the model for the old guy in UP.

about to chug bottle #1 of my colonoscopy prep juice for tomorrow.

I’ve subsisted today on nothing but coffee, club soda and jello, about to kill a motherfucker for a big beef burrito supreme


Worst news I received after my colonoscopy: your colon was not fully clean, must do 2-day prep before trying again.



Considering the best news you can get is you don’t have to come back for 5 years instead of 3 you didn’t do too bad…

I’ve had several colonoscopies, the prep’s the worst part. tell them you’re nervous before and they’ll inject you full of fun juice.

I thought best case was come back in 10 years?

But also: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2208375

Although colonoscopy is widely used as a screening test to detect colorectal cancer, its effect on the risks of colorectal cancer and related death is unclear.

It’s possible my Dr lied or I’m miss-remembering because I’m old.

i wanna say ten but I haven’t had to think about preventative medicine for about 6 years since i took my last licensing exam.

“Clenpiq” bottle #1 consumed. It has a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heavy, but with a touch of mellow smoothness

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I did the math wrong and end up drinking an extra half gallon of watered down “go-juice” proving once again I’m not a math guy.

That’s what I took. It wasn’t that bad.

Pro tip: if you feel a fart coming on, just stop what you’re doing and go sit on the pot. Trust me on this one.

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this is my modus operandi even when not having a colonoscopy

Yeah the instructions are extremely vague on exactly what to expect after drinking the stuff.

dont go more than 50 feet from the bathroom

all clear, doc told me to come back in 10 years


Doc told me that 8 years ago. Eff I’m getting old. Only 2 more years before I do it again.

Tired: poker discussion
Wired: politics discussion
Inspired: colonoscopy discussion


Jamelle remains undefeated.

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