2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

That’s quite the moo-stake.


who are these fucking PSYCHOPATHS that send like 12 slack DMs in a row? They are incapable of typing an entire sentence and have to break it up into little bits

What about the goofs who read your long, detailed email and flip over to Teams to chat to you about it? Just respond to the email so it’s all together, FFS.

Yup that’s me lol.

If I’m troubleshooting doom thing I’ll essentially live blog it to my product owner via slack. In my defense she only looks at my slacks once or twice a day…

People who grew up with AIM as their primary means of communication before on screen keyboards appeared on phones.

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icq or gtfo


Ah, the halcyon days of trading bootleg movies.

Is it just me or is Star Trek: Voyager constantly trending on your Twitter feeds? I can’t tell if the show is making a comeback or if I somehow cheesed up the algorithm and it thinks I need Chakotay content every day.

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pretty millennialist but ok

fucking gross.

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I had a 7 digit. Come at me bro.

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i once had a fidonet address


Real Talk: has anyone actually used a conventional oven to cook a microvwave dinner? That’s madness, right? Or is it just me, do people do this?

What do you think is special about the heat from a microwave oven that wouldn’t happen in an oven? From a convenience factor you are correct; the time to heat up an over is longer than the time to microwave and eat most microwave dinners. But from a cooking perspective the oven should taste maybe a little better because there is the potential for browning the food some.

I assume somebody must have done it, probably many somebodies over a period of time, because the microwave meal packaging always has a warning about not putting it in the regular oven (plastic plus oven temps equals bad outcomes).

But like kerowo says, if you took the food out of the original plastic packaging and put it in an oven-safe dish, it would be fine, I’d think.

Gosh the physics are very different but I’m only talking about the convenience factor here. It seems loopy to wait for the over to get up to temp and then bake for 15 min instead of throwing it in the microwave for 7 mins.

I guess it’s just weird that the conventional oven cooking directions always come before the microwave directions.Or that there are conventional oven directions at all for a meal that is clearly meant to be microwaved.

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1st world thinking. Sadly there are those wo microwaves.

Random interesting Wikipedia article of the day:

tl;dr CA started using this geothermal field for power in the 70s, causing it to become an incredibly frequent source of (small) earthquakes. As the yield from those power plants began to decrease in the 90s due to the extraction of steam outpacing the replenishing of its water, they started pumping treated wastewater back into the field to increase it again.

Your treated shit (well, if you live in certain parts of Lake County) keeping your lights on!

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