2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Vegas 110 is nothing. The heat index in the Deep South last week was 130+ with (I think) the highest wet bulb temperatures ever recorded. I left Vegas summer league and it was 113. I landed in Oklahoma and it was like 85 and felt so much worse.

Mid 90s actual in the Deep South is way worse than basically anything in Vegas / Phoenix.


I remember a summer I went from 90s in MD to 100-110 in UT and Utah was soooooo much more livable. The Deep South is going to be an unlivable jungle in a few generations.

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RIP Tony Bennett.


It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.


This is a pretty big deal.

How long before people who can afford it perform some sort of legal gymnastics to turn their 17-year-olds into someone else’s foster kids for a year?

Probably yesterday if there no sort of waiting period, I think remember reading that some kids get emancipated already to beat FAFSA and essentially get free college anyway


We’ll see. CA’s foster system is straight up the stuff of horror movies. I hope they provide more than just money for tuition. also it seems like the amount of money set aside wasn’t enough, but we’ll see.

I’m kind of a baby about being sick, but getting sick when having kids is the worst. They are usually sick with you and just compounds everything. Annoying.

Incredible chart

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Yeah I saw that and it has me questioning some things about using testing and admissions. I used to think testing was shit, not so sure in that context

A lot of colleges got rid of using test scores for admissions during COVID, and many haven’t resumed using them. I’m sure many of the elite schools probably still use them though.

The upper middle class spends the most time and energy and percent of income on the college admissions game and gets less than nothing from it. Weirdly delightful.

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It’s the single dumbest thing about our society. A quality education isn’t remotely a scarce resource in our society and you can do just fine in a public university but middle-class parents take years off their lives stressing about how they’re going to get their kind into Harvard, where literal psychopaths like Prof John Yoo will mold them into the shittiest people on the planet.

We have the internet and the ability to deliver classes remotely and asynchronously, there’s no excuse for the weird-ass way higher education works in America.

It was more than Covid, it was sold as a measure for equality. I’m not so sure about that in the face of that graph.

We also got rid of step 1 scores in med school, which used to be the defining test used to filter people into different specialties. I’m not so sure that’s a good idea anymore, and I used to think that was a very good idea