2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

I used to be really into writing, and got feedback that my stuff sounded like this when I was trying to write a lot really quickly, and I was always like “whatever it works for dan brown.”

my favorite:

“Hello, this is renowned author Dan Brown,” spoke renowned author Dan Brown.

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If was only of actual applicants shouldn’t the areas under curve in +/- of the average acceptance rate be equal to average out to that overall acceptance rate? (I may be confusing some math concepts here)

I don’t, I was very interested in it when I was living in Portland and using my Water Rower a lot but didn’t make it much past finding out about the boathouse, I’d imagine there are regattas you could go and get info at. And the google delivers: Juniors Program Description — Oregon Rowing Unlimited - PDX.

Holy shit. Delta gave me a $1,000 gift card for reaching 1 million miles.


You’re thinking along the right lines, but the x axis here is not the relative income rank of applicants, but of the US population. There figure to be a ton more applicants jammed in that 70-90th percentile block than there are between the 30th and 50th, so the area under this curve won’t reflect the actual average admission rate.

OK realizing now that this is elite college bullshit and not necessarily more generalizable so I feel better.

Also, my wife’s experience with the Ivy’s was pretty awful. She’ll tell you one of the biggest mistakes of her life was going to Princeton. Complete assholes there too ime.

I haven’t really had a place to put this thought until now, so I’ll take the opportunity. I started reading Blood Meridian on the cruise, the first McCarthy I’ve read, and I feel like he’s perpetually trolling me. He goes back and forth between absolutely beautiful writing and objectively terrible writing. I’ll be reading a passage with Hemmingway-esque brevity and rhythm, and then without warning we’ll be into an under-punctuated run on sentence chockablock with ambiguous pronouns and where the word “Spanish” isn’t even capitalized. This happens even when it’s his own descriptions of scenes or action and not just in the spoken vernacular of his characters. I’m enjoying the book, but the whole thing has a subtext to me of “Yeah, your English teacher would fail you for writing like this, but fuck you, I’m Cormack McCarthy.”

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Why? (Debt?)

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Nah. She’s some double Princeton legacy brat :grinning:. She also got a ~60% scholarship because her grades and test scores were absurd.

The biggest reason was the fucked up grade deflation they were (maybe still are) doing. Essentially in each class, there was a certain percentage that could get an A, B, C, D and fail. If the entire class scored above 90% on everything, that would still hold true.

Combine that with the type of person who gets into Princeton, which are a mixture of Type A super hard working people, legit geniuses, and rich douchebags with infinite resources, and it was a toxic social mess.

We were together when we picked out colleges (shit, we’ve been together for a long long time - 20 years), and she could have gone to Michigan and started as a Junior with all the credits she had. Princeton took none of that credit.

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Oh, and “would of” and “could of” all over the damn place! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

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Going to a super prestigious/selective place probably a great call if you do it for the “right reasons” which best I can tell is to becomes friends with people from rich/powerful families. Probably worthwhile to take on a lot of debt if you dream of a hedge fund or whatever and hang out with bunch of people whose parents run them.

If you wanting to get a good chemistry education seems a lot more dubious a prospect from value standpoint (if you paying a large % of list price).

I hated it. Truly awful.

Yeah I kinda agree. Most people, if they were maybe the greatest writer of prose in the history of the English language, would probably be a huge troll.

Outer Dark has imo the good stuff without the fucking around. I think it was his second novel.

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Everyone should drop out of college and teach themselves javascript imo

lol, as if code monkeys aren’t going to be the very first people the techbros try to replace with AI.

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Got married over the weekend, idk why any sickos would go on their honeymoon the next day. Hangover wasnt fun, but the whole wedding day was great.


get it over with quick, smart. mazel tov!

Also the stanley cup was present at the golf course we got married at the next morning, so missed some great photo opportunities by a day. Two friends not at the wedding got to drink champagne from it though.

Getting married on a Saturday and leaving for honeymoon on Monday felt perfect to me. Very next day would have been rough.

Didn’t go on my honeymoon until like 6 months later. lol academia. Congrats, ao!

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