2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

When general labor is like 2 bucks an hour and your paying engineers 40k seems hard to believe anyone could possibly compete on price

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This is often the case. People doing dumb shit to try not to get caught for misdemeanors which at worst are going to net them probation end up catching a felony and prison time. Hell, I prosecuted a few manslaughters and criminally negligent homicides that, but for essentially the bad luck of the victim and the manslaughterer, could have just been violation level harassments or misdemeanor level assaults.

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While this helps to propagate the “only people too stupid to get out of jury duty serve” issue, it is true that ignoring a jury summons most likely will result in no consequences.

It’s not one of those things that can result in a bench warrant that turns a speeding ticket into a trip to jail?

The scammer who called my wife at 8am on a Sunday morning would let you know the way to avoid the trip to jail for missing jury duty is to pay your fine immediately.

(To be clear I definitely would not fuck around with ignoring any sort of summons IMO)

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my dad still gets summons and he’s been dead for over a decade. I dont think there’s any enforcement. I found out a bunch were sent to my old address a while ago, haven’t received any since, but there’s almost a 0% chance I ever go to one again

As a practical matter, (and this is not legal advice because I’m sure this varies somewhat from state to state), you can’t “punish” somebody by issuing a warrant unless you are sure they were served with the summons in the first place. And since these summonses are usually just getting mailed out by regular mail, there’s really no way for the jury office to know that you actually got it (since people move all the time and the databases they draw from are frequently very out of date).

By way of example, my wife, who hasn’t lived in her home state in 15 years, just got a jury summons to her parents address where she used to live. I have no idea what database they drew from to get that but if her parents didn’t still live there there’s no way she would have ever known.

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The mail is also not all that reliable, like I forget the exact number of wedding save the dates and invitations we mailed out, but it was a little over 100 and two or three each time got returned to sender even though everything was correct with the address and the postage.

We may have run a little bad on that, but it’s probably around 1%. (Note: looked it up, USPS claims 0.5% but I’m not sure if that counts stuff like something that’s supposed to go to 852 Smith Street going to like 582 Smith St. or 852 Smith Lane or random stuff like that, which I assume their stats would track as delivered.)

Ok so quick question, got a patient with albinism. Saying he’s an albino seems shitty. Am i nuts?

“Person with” is usually better, as albinism isn’t the extent of who they are as a person, nor is any condition


Probably better than “whitey”

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This is the way imo. If ever unsure, I think person first language is the best baseline to start from.

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The Wikipedia article uses “people with albinism” and “albinos” interchangeably, so it seems like it’s not (yet) considered offensive. But I’d probably lead with “person with albinism”.

yeah that’s how i feel about it, but it doesn’t seem like this expected?

I mean, if the “person with” or “patient with” something looks at you funny for that terminology, you can always ask them how they’d prefer to be addressed, no?

well it was an 4 year old and wasn’t really relevant to anything. I just thought it was weird.

My 4yo is pretty particular in how she wants to be called, and it changes frequently. I would not put it past any of them to have a preference.

How do we feel about “gingers”.

Seriously I’d go “with albinism”


As a former ginger that totally went blonde and not gray, ginger never bothered me

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Growing up in Washington State I don’t remember ever hearing bad things about Gingers and remember being really surprised when I heard about the traditional “kick a ginger” day.