2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Several months into planning, my father-in-law reneged on his pledge to pay for our wedding. It was quite dramatic. Anyway, it was the best possible thing that could have happened. He ended up giving us a check that amounted to around 1/3 of the wedding costs and we were completely freed from meeting anyone else’s expectations.

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The older I get, the more I truly believe the #1 key to happiness other than relationship with spouse is simply not giving a fuck what anyone else expects you to do. Maybe this is obvious to most but was very hard for me!


I think that’s true, but it’s also the reason that a lot of complete assholes are happy. Like my father-in-law!


Yeah this is great advice overall. I don’t really care what my parents expect me to do in general (I mean, I’m a professional poker player lol) but a few things that I know are really important to them, like this, I do want to make sure they are happy with.

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Wedding is child’s play re: the expectations game and deep seeded psychological issues, just wait until the grandchildren come.

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So in other (bad?) news, my SIL’s water broke yesterday. She’s 28 weeks and 6 days…so now they’ve got her in the hospital just trying to prevent actual labor.

They already knew she’d have to have a C-section (placenta previa), so they’re now just trying to get the baby cooked as long as possible. Basically at this stage literally every hour counts toward more development.

Baby is otherwise healthy and is/was developing normally.


Ugh, that’s gotta be super stressful. Best of luck to her and the baby and all the caretakers.

Good luck. FWIW, 28 week outcomes are overwhelmingly positive, not that you’re not going to be stressed as hell.


She’s holding for now, basically in the hospital on bedrest until she needs an emergent c-section, which they are obviously trying to put off as long as possible.

One more day will make 29 weeks, which we’ve been told is a long stay in NICU but definitely would be survivable, especially since the baby has been healthy so far.


I did warn you not to do it like this lol. You really gotta stop listening to your parents.

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Is it Halloween yet?

discussing this at our weekly watercooler chat at work (we have regular zoom calls for no purpose but social interaction) and this is a pretty good way to find out who’s a fascist REALLY quick


I mean, I didn’t find out anything shocking, they are who I thought they were, but now there’s not even any doubt.

Did someone just freely volunteer “I don’t see why we need a trial, just lock them up and throw away the key”?

“Lock them up? When the death penalty is right there? Now reasonable people can disagree on the amount of torture first.”

not exactly, but it was basically a progression from “well the last time I did jury duty it was me and a bunch of uneducated cretins” to “they bus people in to freaknik specifically to do crimes”

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This may be the funniest character description I’ve ever seen.

(it’s a commercial, we’re not on strike)


Is this the infamous commercial casting lady from a long time ago on another forum?

Haha no. She doesn’t work as much as she used to. But I’m pleased someone remembers that.

I buried the lede on the John Bolton character, he will be portraying a hedgehog lol.