2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Haha that’s what I got too. Probably pretty close to a median outcome.

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Milei’s leftwing opponents reacted with shock and dejection to the election of a notoriously erratic figure whose radical ideas include legalising the sale of organs, cutting ties with Argentina’s two biggest trade partners, Brazil and China, and closing more than a dozen ministries.

Milei – a climate-denying populist who is known by the nickname El Loco (the Madman) – has also enraged millions of Argentinians by questioning the four-decade consensus over the crimes of its 1976-83 dictatorship, during which an estimated 30,000 people were killed by the military regime. His vice-presidential running mate is Victoria Villarruel, an ultra-conservative congresswoman who has played down the dictatorship’s sins.

“He is way more excessive and unstable than [Jair] Bolsonaro and Trump. So it’s highly unpredictable what this person could do [in power],” Federico Finchelstein, an Argentinian historian who studies the global far right, said on the eve of Sunday’s election.

Benjamin Gedan, the head of the Wilson Centre’s Argentina Project, said he believed one word explained the scale of Milei’s victory: desperation.

“This vote just reeks of desperation. A lot of Argentines voted knowingly against their economic interests because they recognise that the status quo is catastrophic. And there was no reason to believe that the current finance minister could plausibly be the answer,” Gedan said. “It’s a huge gamble but not a completely irrational one.”

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Got Maryland… which I don’t think I’ve spent any time in other than driving through. I’d assume there’s some cool parts though

With 143% inflation, the Argentinian center-left party/coalition ran the sitting Minister of the Economy!

Did they consult the Democrats on that or something? Holy shit.

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So-called ACists be like, why do all these murderous dictators and their followers keep sucking my cock?

What a sentence fragment to write about the guy who won!

Fucking boomers always win


I love watching them retire knowing I’ll never get to. It’s fine by the time I’m 60 there will probably be meds that prevent/reduce cognitive decline. I’m going to die at my desk in my office (which is nice and in my home don’t feel too bad for me).

with inflation, isn’t that how it should work? I hope the dollar I am “investing” into SS isn’t worth whatever the 2055 equivalent of a dollar is.

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Both of those numbers should be normalized for inflation or they don’t make any sense.

We need to pull the plug on expensive end of life care. Literally. Such a stupid waste as a society

Yeah… honestly the last 2 years people live are wildly not worth what they cost. I say this as someone who has watched a parent die and whose wife has worked her entire career in geriatric nursing starting as a CNA and ending as the assistant director of nursing.

If nothing materially changes and I’m facing going into assisted living and/or a skilled nursing facility and it isn’t for short term rehab or something I’m straight up killing myself. Fuck legality I’m not giving those ghouls all my money to make sure I keep living well after the point we’d put a dog down. I worked way too hard for it already lol.

I know a lot of you are thinking ‘he only thinks he’ll do it’. Wrong. Knowing what’s in store for me is why. It’s pretty easy to make the decision to kill yourself when you know where you’re going tomorrow is going to suck and then get worse every day until you die grateful to finally be dead lol.


Bump - so yesterday we went to visit my parents for the week, and obv we play Hearts, and I’m dealing the no pass rounds. I deal and look at my cards and I have…

Q :diamonds: 9 :diamonds:
J :spades: T :spades: 7 :spades: 2 :spades:
A :hearts: K :hearts: Q :hearts: J :hearts: T :hearts: 9 :hearts: 3 :hearts:

So this is pretty :vince: but there’s a big caveat here, which is that my non-heart cards aren’t high enough to control play before hearts are broken.

First three tricks, clubs are led, I dump the Qd 9d 2s. Next two tricks are diamonds and I dump the 7s Js. It’s looking pretty dire, as the only way this works out for me is if I take the next trick with the Ts and then win with my hearts, otherwise I probably end up with like 24 points or something.

My dad, across from me, leads a low spade which is great. My Ts is basically a trump card here with a little bit of luck. My mom plays a lower spade. I play the Ts. I hold my breath that my wife to my left doesn’t have the As/Ks…and she doesn’t. I take the trick and lay these out on the table:


Epilogue: the very next hand, my wife does the same thing! There’s a bit of disrespect involved, as she is the least threatening Hearts player at the table, so while I would never do this with my mom or dad (way too dangerous) I passed her the K, J, 8 of hearts as sometimes making yourself heartless can yield some well-hidden shooting the moon hands. It turns out she started with the A, Q, T, 9 of hearts so what I passed her suited her just fine. :harold:


i shamelessly pass A hearts because i like the chaos

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I’m confused by that picture as it doesn’t make sense with the hand as described. Where is the Q :spades: for example?

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Lol here’s the new CEO. Tech bros! Every time!


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The top pile must be the tricks someone had taken and not their remaining cards, as there’s 8 cards in it (not 7) and my played Js and 9d are among them.

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Both at 2023 valuations.

tbh those numbers look good to me—raise or eliminate the cap and then fill in the hole by raising taxes no more than 64/47-1. Seems doable.

the psychological warfare in trick-based games, but especially hearts for some reason, can be intense.

I hate J diamonds variation where not capturing it means you do not shoot even if you successfully capture all 26 points. makes it nearly impossible to shoot.

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Never play the jack.

Do love me some domino Hearts (deal 7 initially and each round draw until you can play current suit) .

makes it nearly impossible to shoot.

Fellow Moon junkie eh?