2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

I think it’s late afternoon at some point. I tend to agree what you say is the most likely outcome unfortunately.

Really hoping it’s a complete disaster but he’ll probably take like one question, bungle it but not terribly, and scurry away.

I think it’s at 5:30 est, but I’m not 100% on that.

What has he done in the two weeks since the debate that would assuage concerns?

Remember, this is not about whether or not he should be president right now, it’s about whether or not he should be the candidate that the Democrats think should be president until 2029.

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Mouth agape. Stuttering wildly. Shuffling away.

Nope, 6:30 now.

Trump campaign has been targeting specific voters of color: young men. It’s their plan to offset the lost suburban white women. They’re going after low propensity left-wing voters of color and micro-targeting them.

For an hour and 15 minutes, Wiles and LaCivita presented their vision for retaking the White House. They detailed a new approach to targeting and turning out voters, one that departs dramatically from recent Republican presidential campaigns, suggesting that suburban women might be less a priority than young men of color.

This isn’t to say Trump’s campaign won’t be targeting those persuadable voters. It’s just a matter of preferred medium: If Wiles has to drop millions of dollars to engage the suburban mom outside Milwaukee, she’d rather that mom spend 30 seconds with one of LaCivita’s TV spots than 30 seconds with a pamphlet-carrying college student on her front porch. This is the essence of Trump’s voter-contact strategy: pursuing identified swing voters—college-educated women, working-class Latinos, urban Black men under 40—with micro-targeted media, while earmarking ground resources primarily for reaching those secluded, MAGA-sympathetic voters who have proved difficult to engage.

Wiles, for her part, wanted to be clear about the campaign’s aims. “It’s so targeted—we’re not fighting for Black people,” she said. “We’re fighting for Black men between 18 and 34.”

As we stood chatting, I remembered something that one of Trump’s allies had told me months earlier—a sentiment that has since been popularized and described in different ways: “For every Karen we lose, we’re going to win a Jamal and an Enrique.” Wiles nodded in approval.

“That’s a fact. I believe it. And I so believe we’re realigning the party,” she told me.




Very obvious that this is a good idea to try, young men of all ethnicities are the demographic most likely to be put off by a dottering decrepit old fool and sit around and joke with their friends about how pathetic he is.

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Knives out. Obama tacitly approved of the Clooney op-ed and his former aides are going hard at Biden. Pelosi working behind the scenes.


Furthermore, in private conversations with lawmakers, the former speaker has been forthright about the dire situation the party now finds itself in. She’s suggested to people that Biden won’t win this November and should step aside, according to a half-dozen lawmakers and others who have either spoken with her or are familiar with conversations she has had.

In fact, she’s advised some Democrats in swing districts to do whatever they have to do to secure their own reelections — even if it means asking Biden to relinquish his place atop the ticket.

Pelosi has advised those members, however, to wait until this week’s NATO Summit is finished out of respect for Biden and national security writ large. Some members, we’re told, have already started drafting statements of what they want to say, ready to drop once foreign leaders leave town.

For members who aren’t in swing districts, Pelosi has encouraged them to take their pleas for Biden to step aside directly to the White House or the campaign so as to minimize public fighting. We’re told that some have tried but have not been able to get through to the president.

VinceCarter.gif is stretched out again, and he’s taking part in the shootaround. It’s looking increasingly likely he’s throwing down tomahawk slams in the layup line soon, in anticipation of an appearance in the coming days.

Kamala back into the lead on PI with Biden down to 40c. I wish my first set of bets had another week on them because I think your guess a few days ago that it would be next week and not this week is right.

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Well that’s why I called it a non-conspiracy conspiracy theory. It’s this weird convergence of everyone’s own self-interest and what’s actually best for the overall party. So it’s not 4D chess so much as a serendipitous event where everyone mashes the selfish button and we get a good outcome.

Maybe, I should add. MAYBE.


I guess it’s nice to see Nancy using her ruthless political strategizing for good for once, instead of bullshit like keeping Henry Cuellar employed.

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I don’t think Biden is going to resign, only drop out of the race (or not), but in a world where he does resign, does a new VP get confirmed by the House? It’s R+3 iirc, but I don’t think they can block a confirmation vote from reaching the floor. I assume a boring centrist old white guy peels off three swing district R’s who don’t want to be attacked in November for leaving us VP-less?

Of course, there would be negotiations and if I were the GOP I’d probably say, “I’ll give you Kaine, sucks that has to open up a winnable Senate seat for you, but tough shit.”

On that note, why would any sitting member of Congress who’s not retiring give up a seat to be VP for a few months? So someone retiring? Or maybe some non-crazy retired Republican like Jeff Flake or Adam Kinzinger?

Weird spot. Very interesting.

Almost certainly not, and it’s not worth it in case Clarence drives his RV off a cliff.

no shot

Oh, 2/3 not 51%. Nevermind.

What should Biden do?

  • Stay in the 2024 Presidential Race w/ Harris as running mate
  • Resign the Presidency so Harris becomes the Incumbent
  • Drop out of the Race but remain President
0 voters

At least one of those post-debate radio interviews that was used as proof of Biden’s fitness by some was edited at the request of the campain LOL
