2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo



This shooter being a stock standard redditor that does a mass shooting is actually fantastic news. One the race war is officially cancelled and two it makes turning this into political hay a lot harder for Trump.

Oh and it absolutely changes the conversation from Biden so senile too. Maybe the moment when Trump sucked out here wasn’t the politics it was just someone missing him with an AR-15 despite getting multiple shots off from not all that far away for an AR-15.

I’m pretty annoyed that there’s an alternate universe version of me that gets to experience Trump getting assassinated by some fringe whack job. That would have been really fitting given Trump’s handling of the aftermath of multiple mass shootings.

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I don’t know Shit about guns but expect an AK is probably less accurate over distance than a proper long gun?

Shit it’s possible he was just trying to spray the crowd nicked Donnie by happenstance?

Given that he only got off a few shots, it seems unlikely he was trying to randomly spray the crowd.

Thinking about the universe of possible outcomes when the gunman starts firing.

I think the majority are outcomes where all bullets miss Trump. Another big chunk have one or more bullets finding their mark resulting in serious injury or death.

But the probability of an outcome where Trump is slightly injured, specifically in a way that streaks blood across his face allowing for that instantly iconic image, is just so vanishingly mind-bogglingly tiny it’s absurd.

Not saying it’s fake or a conspiracy or anything, just marveling at the continuation of Trump’s lifetime of good fortune.


Truly makes me question whether this is all for some higher life form’s amusement.

Your dad sounds like a dick



This is 100% a simulation. To just barely hit him in the most perfect way is just absurd.

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I’m really looking forward to the ‘well actually’ takes about how great the secret service really is when they are, I am now basically certain, significantly less competent or capable than Taylor Swift’s security detail. This fuck up is so large they just dropped below multiple security details you can buy with money.

There are going to be multiple copycats because of this. It seems actually doable in real life not just in a movie after this. Hopefully the people guarding the actual president are much better.

Wildly embarrassing for an agency that has already had a really bad decade or so. This was literally the nearest elevated position to the stage that didn’t have a counter sniper team on the roof. The shots sounded super close because they were super close.

Also Trump’s luckbox might have more gravitational pull than the fucking sun.

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This is confirmed a real article that was written by a real African American man. The title is quite misleading compared to the content… but holy fuck.

More of this next to every dipshit Republican statement, please


I’m going to say that my official position is nothing ever happens in response to every event ever

On that note, Biden polling improvement continues


Although again rfk isn’t getting 10%

I mean the big reaction almost everywhere after seeing images of bloody-faced Trump raising his fist in victory was “well now he’s just gonna win in a landslide”, and I don’t really see it. Nobody that hates him is gonna suddenly decide he’s just too cool not to vote for, no never-Trumpers are gonna turn around and say “wow he’s really good at not being shot, guess I changed my mind”, etc.

Not that we’re not necessarily fucked anyway, but it wasn’t because of this.

Do you know what the electoral map would look like if Trump got 2020 level turnout and Biden got 2022 level turnout?

It’s this:

I do, and I should have continued my post to say I also don’t think this incident inspires any lazy GOP voters to get out and vote 4 months from now who otherwise wouldn’t. The turnout may well wind up like you said, especially if Biden stays on the ticket, but it’s not gonna be because of an assassination attempt in mid-July.

I disagree there. It’s not “lazy” GOP voters. It’s GOP voters who disliked trump but now see this and rally around the flag.

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I strongly strongly believe that the American voter is too fucking stupid to be influenced by news cycles in July

Yeah this is the part I think is a weird fucking take. GOP voters who genuinely dislike him do so because they actually have a conscience and they don’t want a corrupt, valueless piece of shit representing their party. How stupid are they to turn around and be like “whoa he dodges bullets like Neo or some shit, bro, I’m in!”

Like I said, we’re probably fucked anyway, but not as a direct result of this.