2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

Have you met the average voter?

Most problematic thing is Ds going to be guilted into decreasing the talk about Trump threatening democracy and I assume the distraction ends any simmering discussions about pushing Biden out although that may be good thing if Biden had completely dug in

New talking point I saw one idiot post is that most government agencies, including the Dept of Homeland Security/secret service, report up to the POTUS. Ergo its clearly obvious that this was Bidens doing by denying proper secret service detail that trump requested.

Also just saw a “god, guns, and trump” flag on a truck. They want their cake and they damn well will eat it too.

Well, you saw the reaction from CW’s apparently previously-never-Trump dad :harold:

(I don’t mean this in a mean-spirited way at all, it sounds like CW agrees)

pretty sure tom cotton was one of the loudest “run over the george floyd protestors” dipshits, wasn’t he?

correct, trump is getting all of those votes

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Ok Debbie

I really don’t stink this affects the election all that much, the election is still months out and the people riled up about Trump getting shot were likely going to come out and vote anyway.

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Strangest thing to all this is in current age why doesn’t secret service operate some sort of cheap video feed drone over any event? I’m sure would have some logistical issues like making sure it’s easily determined by everyone what secret services vs a hostile drone but I’m sure that not insurmountable

I think the legitimate fear is that enthusiasm among his voters will be at an all time high. A not insignificant number of people who might have stayed home may instead find themselves voting for the photograph. I’m imagining if the shooting had happened to Biden and we got the same photograph.




Has anyone (other than Trump) actually confirmed that Trump was hit by a bullet and not by glass or some other shrapnel?

I don’t understand who these people are

I’d love to see an analysis on the odds of getting any part of your head touched by an AR round from 150 yards and it not be a Gallagher show finale.


Voters are not a monolith, they exist on a spectrum. This definitely activates some non-zero percentage of former non-trump voters.

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I defer to Jman’s comments.

Trump voters want to show up for a good show. It’s like they’re watching the WWE, and this is their chance to be a part of a showmanship victory. I think it was Max Brooks in his insightful novel World War Z who noted that Americans don’t just want to win. They want to be a part of a decisive victory. A true knockout that keeps their opponents on the ground. Trump offers them a chance to be a part of the Decisive Victory show, and that photograph is all the propaganda he needs to bypass any facts to the contrary.

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I can’t be alone in being just completely out of gas for all of this.

There are lots of reasons but chief among them is how just utterly fucking useless and cowardly elected Democrats are. It’s pretty damn hard to get up to “save the country” for the 3rd time for 81 year old Joe Biden, knowing nothing actually good will happen, just probably the absence of the worst possible thing, temporarily.

You know who else deserves a ton of blame. Barack Obama. Fuck off man. Tried for 8 god damn years to work with these MFers then just totally disappeared. Reminder: he had 59 SENATE SEATS PLUS THE HOUSE.


I think you’re projecting your own issues out into the world here. Yes, it requires multiple votes to maintain your coalition in a democracy. That’s kind of how this works.

Do we know yet if he was actually hit or if it was glass?

These fuckers were at a mass shooting where the speaker got shot, some dude in the crowd got their face blown off in front of them, and the shooter got their brains blown out and they fucking GAVE A STANDING OVATION AND CHANTED AND HOOTED AND HOLLERED AS THE BLOOD POOLED.

These are not normal, reasonable human beings.