2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo


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As Veep? Sure. As the nominee…

  • he still has the teacher’s-pet-class-president thing going on that lots of people will find offputting (see also: Newsom’s natural sleaziness), let’s not make that the face of the party unless voters pick it in a primary
  • picking anyone but Kamala means going through a process that will divide the party, because instead of going with the natural choice of Joe’s VP it means a bunch of party elite dipshits sat in a smoke-filled room and bypassed a black woman to pick someone they’re comfortable with (getting someone they find inoffensive is probably a higher priority to them than getting someone who has the highest probability of beating Trump; no one should be ok with handing the choice to the utter imbeciles who run this party)


Somebody with cash to waste must be trolling us

She makes a lot of sense, and I say that as someone who can’t stand her. You need someone willing to throw away their shot on this shortened race (freebie for her), someone who can ramp up quickly, someone who can raise a ton of money. IMO Pete, Kamala, and Hillary all fit the bill if you take Whitmer and Newsom at their word.

I think she’d beat Trump this time, but she’d be just as bad as Kamala as a choice.

Would there be anything more eDem than being all, “What’s that you say? Biden is too old and Kamala is too unpopular? OK, here’s a 76 year old Hillary Clinton!”

I do want to point out that this is bullshit, but it matters because the candidates believe it.

If Kamala runs and loses, the field is clear for 2028. Newsom runs, Pritzker runs, Whitmer runs, Pete runs, Shapiro maybe runs. Who has the most equity? How much? 35% at most? That’s generous but let’s go with that.

Even if they are 70% in the general (again, generous) they’re less than 25% overall. They have to be higher than that subbing in now.

Meanwhile, if Kamala wins it’s her in 2028, and it’s not an open primary until 2032. The field is probably even more crowded.

If I had some sort of limited one time where I can’t pick the winner, but just the D nominee and everyone would get behind that person 100%, I’d pick Newsom. He would cruise back to back. I don’ even particularly like him, but he is electable AF, imo. The only think that would hold him back is the party not backing him fully because it’s not his turn or some shit.

Pete’s not bad, but there is too much homophobia still around imo. Also he doesn’t have the same alpha persona as Newsom. I could see swing voters (to the extent that they even exist) being drawn to that. Next to Newsom, Trump pretty much looks like Biden.


She ran a shit campaign in 2020, but the material is there to run a better one. Maybe putting the best the Dems have around her gets it done?

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Yeah I genuinely do not care who they pick as a replacement merely that it be someone they can all agree on. I think the best choice for that is Kamala and given the choice I’d have her running mate be Pete… and then send Pete out to work 60 hours a week in the midwest.

I think that ticket gets it done a high % of the time and probably does as much damage as possible every time Trump fucks up.

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I thought that until I learned that apparently some people think Hilary Clinton is a legitimate option. I mean, I’d vote for her, but ooof.

I’m pretty much 100% ready to get behind Harris/Buttigieg. I’d be excited enough to volunteer and do gotv efforts.


Given recent events I hadn’t even had time to process Trump choosing Vance given the Roe situation, if Ds can get their shit together even just a little bit seems lot of room for gaining ground especially given the strength of abortion referendums/etc

200w (4)

It’s funny what a difference a couple of weeks makes.

Immediately after the debate, I was lukewarm at best to the idea of Harris. I was thinking she might be even worse than mush brain Joe. Now I think just about any dem would be better.

To be clear, I don’t think just about any D would be a better President. Joe’s corpse + handlers would probably do a better job than a lot of them (I realize that’s probably a pretty piping hot take). However, I do think that just about any D would be more electable. And that is all that matters to me now.


I’ll vote for absolutely anyone but if they picked HRC here… I won’t even pre process it lol nope.

I don’t think it’s piping hot that Joe in his current state and his handlers would do a better job in office than a lot of potential candidates, especially given the situation in Ukraine.

But I agree, he’s not electable so it doesn’t matter.

To be very clear I don’t think they should or that it’s likely, but I do think she would like to inject herself into an open primary and go for it, and if that happens her equity is > 0.

The Trump hit on Kamala making fun of her laugh seems weak sauce, like what percent of Americans genuinely can correctly envision her laughing or remember what Trump referring to? Like 10%?

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Imagine saying this back in 2020. :harold: