2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

Just a Democrat plowing under a Republican by 20 points in a rural MI recall election.

Someone walk me through why this isn’t a better data point than any poll anyone is going to take this election cycle. I’m waiting. Same goes for literally any other election. Seems like the sample sizes are bigger and by definition a better representation of ‘likely voters’ than a pollsters best estimate.

It’s probably worth something. However, it’s difficult to understate how stupid the Ottawa County Republicans have been, specifically regarding one health officer. The republicans had also splintered into republicans and the more crazy ‘Ottawa impact’. There’s a lot of local flavor in that story.

Also a low key beautiful area.

Everybody winds up hating these wingnuts once they’re actually in charge of running and managing things. It’s how people started to turn against ISIS IIRC.



Pretty much how I feel abo it the new NYT poll.

If Biden is only 58% with women and Trump makes historic gains among black people he will win


I also don’t believe it for a second

Like sure Jan levels of bullshit here


If Biden drops 30th in Philly he’s in trouble


JD seems like a strong choice for Trump’s VP.

Voters are morons


Very strong unskewedpolls dot com vibes itt.


All polls get the full Commodus from me at this point


This isn’t unskewing, the polls are telling you there’s been a historic realignment of voters. You think that’s happening?

Seems real guys


No way polling is broken

When it’s a choice between trusting the guys who do it for a living vs the feels of a guy who lost a bet by underestimating Trump’s support in 2016 I’m gonna go with the guys who do it for a living. That’s just me though. And I do think Biden’s share of the black/latino/youth vote is going to take a big hit both because the media narrative of Biden and his presidency has been overwhelmingly negative and because of the reasons debated ad nauseam in the other thread that we don’t need to rehash here.

Yeah it’s not just me questioning what the hell is going on, including a lot of people who do this for a living.

Like Biden is losing Clark County in the NYT poll. That’s not happening. Minorities aren’t going to wildly swing toward Trump either.

I know I’ve said this before, but when one of clients does an actual science experiment and gets internally inconsistent results like this, the answer is that something went wrong and that ALL of the data is garbage.

NYT is going to write approx 100 articles explaining everything without question.

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Many are saying

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Polling is just far less useful in the context of a Trump presidential election.

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My last tweet I post quotes a literal pollster.