2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

The weird line is unstoppable right now



Incredible seeing a lesbian who chooses to look like she should be racing Indiana Jones to find the ark of the covenant pejoratively call people gay for thinking JD Vance is weird


Apparently Blake Masters was also giving almost the same “cat ladies” comments around the same time in 2021.

“I think it’s a sick kind of cope; they try to brag about this,” said the Arizona Republican. “You see the cat ladies just kind of say, ‘Oh, I don’t want to be married. Marriage is a construct of the patriarchy. Right? I don’t want to have children. Why would you have children? Having children is bad for the environment.’ And that’s demented.”

Masters added that “what’s really sad” is what’s behind the ideology he believes is leading people to choose not to get married or make babies.

“How does this become the new normal?” he asked rhetorically. “Well, the answer in one word is progressivism.”

There’s a connection—both Masters and Vance are affiliated with weirdo billionaire Peter Thiel so this must have been some kind of coordinated messaging from Thiel.

Of course it is. It’s thinly veiled misogyny, which plays really well in certain circles.


“Cat ladies” is just euphemism for “uppity women.” Women without children might get it into their heads that they deserve an equal place in society as men do.




That would be huge deal, do we know what their last Biden one was?

Biden 50-45 on March 6.

Hmm guess I’m a little less pumped that it not a flip to Harris but March was a long time ago


It was February 26 - March 6th. Haley didn’t even drop out of the primary until March 6th, the last day of the poll.

100 days is basically 100 news cycles in 2024 but the vibe war is currently being won by the good guys.


That’s great, but now I’m going to freak out about them just refusing to certify if Kamala wins. NEW FEAR UNLOCKED!

At least all the states involved have D execs other than Georgia and they have the same execs in charge as last time and didn’t go along with shenanigans.

Now if an R senate or house refuses to go along, then we will have some interesting times.

I would be more concerned if they had some mechanism for making DJT president, but obstructing the handover of power from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris isn’t a particularly effective strategy. I hope they make a mess, it’ll be extremely bad for the GOP’s already burning image.

IANAL but I imagine the mechanism is “these states didn’t certify so we can’t count their electoral votes” and do that enough to get Kamala below 270 and have the House pick the president. It probably only works if they win a majority in the House and even then they have to be willing to do a coup which if they are it’s gg anyway one way or another.

Yeah let’s leave those scenarios to the lawyers. What I’ve seen so far from the courts in and around this has mostly been Trump getting his ass kicked over and over again on every matter that wasn’t whether he was going to experience any consequences.

IIRC the House vote for prez goes state-by-state, which (of course, because why would it not) means generally Democrats are always screwed whether they have the overall majority in the incoming House or not.

That’s only for when somebody doesn’t get to 270 EVs. Otherwise Biden wouldn’t have made it.

Right, which would be the case in the scenario you laid out. I was just responding to your “it only works if they win a majority in the House” part, saying it probably doesn’t matter whether they have the absolute majority or not.

Ah I see. I wasn’t super clear. I meant that they need a majority to say that the vote from say PA is invalid so their electors don’t count. Then they crush on the state-by-state vote. But in that scenario they can’t get there without an absolute majority first.