2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

The media is going to be so confused when the Trump n bomb tape drops and his poll numbers go up


Poll for Preferred VP Pick:

  • Whitmer
  • Shapiro
  • Walz
  • Kelly
  • Cooper
  • Pete
  • Beshear
  • Other
0 voters

Who you think will get the nod?

  • Whitmer
  • Shapiro
  • Walz
  • Kelly
  • Cooper
  • Pete
  • Beshear
  • Other
0 voters

Maybe Kamala needs to just take it slow on choosing and let the auditioning field continue to dunk on Trump at full intensity


It’s definitely nice to see everyone dunking on him. Thank god Biden dropped out and the attacks on Kamala have been weak, leaving lots of air for people to talk endlessly about how weird, old, and corrupt Trump is.


This is the way

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I don’t know why any of them should turn it off. They should still continue the dunkfest until at least November. One advantage of not picking Pete is that he’ll keep dunking no matter what.


I agree, though I’d like him as VP because he’d be great at taking attacks and returning fire. He’s proven quite adept at redirecting lol questions and attacks both on him and his colleagues.

I hope they won’t stop either but wonder if they get better interviews and media coverage when they viewed as potential VP? Part of my difficulty is I normally have no idea who getting interviews on these various shows

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That’s probably true. They will get less attention once they are definitely not it. However, these guys are all high profile enough that I assume the Dems have enough juice to get them on any shows they want. But that would require some effort, which they don’t need to expend at this point.

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ROFL couched




wtf these details from the assassination attempt are crazy that they let Trump on the stage after playing cat and mouse with this guy for like an hour. I wonder if eventually going to come out this issue is that Trump was some sort of god those these local law enforcement and they would have pulled the plug on the event if was any other candidate


But then, Mr. Crooks did something that alarmed the police. They saw him using the range finder.

A Beaver County countersniper shared two photos of Mr. Crooks with his colleagues at 5:38 p.m., which were then relayed to the Secret Service, through a series of steps in the command center

The assassination attempt is so wild that I’m not even trying to figure out what the fuck actually happened because there is no point.


Weird isn’t strong enough for describing this ticket. They need to upgrade to freak show.

Freak and a weird dude is the correct meme we should go for, but that’s a 2008-ish 2+2 meme

voted walz but honestly I think whitmer is the best choice, but she has no shot since dems are never putting an all X chromosome ticket up



lol this is so good



nate has unlocked all of his model output up to the moment biden dropped out, it’s pretty bleak