2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

Talking about her ladder-climbing as a law student/clerk and mentorship by Amy Chua (the famed tiger mom who backed Kavanaugh’s elevation to the Supreme Court and whose daughters clerked for him before and after his elevation):

What does any of this history matter when it comes to divining Usha Vance’s politics? Mostly that the murkiness of her actual beliefs doesn’t seem all that confusing or shocking in this context. She comes from a world that prioritizes prestige and power above all else—above, I think it is possible to argue, political or moral beliefs.


That’s a whole lot of words for ‘brown people can be sociopaths too’.

Amazing that she hasn’t deleted that tweet

Trump can’t and never has been able to get into any of the truly elite country clubs

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By god, the hits keep coming. This man’s got a family!


That’s where trump streams his stuff!

weird I thought twitter was private

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According to two sources with knowledge of the matter, in recent days, Trump has been repeatedly complaining to advisers and confidants about how much amplification the Democrats and Team Kamala Harris’ “weird” attacks on Trump, Vance, and their allies has gotten in the media, including on his generally friendly home-turf of Fox News. The ex-president has grumbled that it makes no sense to him that any “weird” attacks on Vance would stick in the public consciousness, not when Harris has, for instance, “that laugh.” (On the campaign trail, the former president has been trying to convince voters that the vice president is “nuts,” largely based on the manner in which Harris laughs.)

“Of course he’s upset by it,” one of the sources, who talks regularly to Trump, tells Rolling Stone. “The Democrats and the media are smearing this good man who came from nothing as some sort of weirdo. It’s an insult to [Vance], and the millions of forgotten men and women … It’s Kamala’s ‘deplorables’ moment.”

Please don’t put in the newspaper that I’m weird

lol hilarious that one of the sources is clearly pro-Trump and is talking to RS about it because they think it will backfire on Dems

Truly incredible that no one has realized the cheat code to dealing with accusations of being weird is to embrace them. If Vance came out tomorrow and said, “The Democrats say I’m weird. Pssh, of course I’m weird. I’m a hillbilly from Appalachia who’s running to be vice president of the United States. That’s really weird! And that’s just the start! Coastal elites can’t handle the ways I’m weird!” That whole line of attack would be, in the parlance of our times, Joever.


Another approach is just ignore it and talk policy. But the problem there is the policies are pretty weird so it’s kind of an admission.


Trump reduced to “I’M NOT WEIRD, YOU’RE WEIRD!”

You just hate to see it!

What you’re describing requires an ability to laugh at yourself, though, which I think is pretty incompatible with modern right-wing fascism.




No need for Shapiro right :grin:

yes this is exactly why it works. 1) it’s true and 2) they actively resist self-awareness


Yeah being OK with being weird is the only way to beat weird accusations. I say this as someone who is generally perceived as good weird I hope.


:vince: :vince: :vince:


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Man I’m not getting hopeful yet, SSC and all, but it would be so so satisfying to see like a Kamala 10+ point win in November. Just absolutely crush this asshole for good.


I think we all feel that way lol. I feel like the results need to be around that margin to comfortably overcome the EC disadvantages anyway.

It’s particularly important to win with a margin of a few states IMO, because if god forbid it’s close enough that a single GOP-led but blue-voting state like GA or AZ can flip things, they will go way way harder in the paint to pull some non-certifying bullshit.

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