2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

From your lips to Flying Spaghetti Monsters ears.

Plus all the ballot initiatives.

If we got a map like this it’s +10 in the house and +4 in the senate (is that possible?).

I don’t think so.

WV is a lost cause, so we’d need 5 flips (in addition to holding in all the swing states plus OH and MT).

TX and FL are the two easiest flips by far. After that you need probably Indiana/Missouri/Tennessee. I don’t want to say 100% impossible, but it’s close to that.

Let’s not be suckin our own dicks just yet


I would rather be the governor of a major state than VP and it’s not even close.

Yeah I pretty much agree with this. Holding the same number of seats would be miraculous, just emerging with a trifecta would be a big win. The only way we flip some of those very red Senate seats is if the polling looks so good for Kamala that MAGA/Republicans just stay home on election day thinking their Senate seat in Missouri or whatever is safe, and Democrats are energized.

Maybe there’s a super narrow path to Utah? Something like, North Carolina gets called for Harris at poll close, which leaves like 2.5 hours of voting in Utah and conservatives give up and go home? But that’s a crazy longtail outcome.

The hopium in the Senate is something like, we somehow hold 51-49 but trade Manchin and Sinema for Allred and Gallego, so we have a better 51.

Shapiro in particular, part of his brand is being highly competent at governing. So continuing to do that is important. Also, if he becomes VP, whoever replaces him could potentially turn into another rival in 2028/2032 who also gets to play the “strong in Pennsylvania” card. Right now, I think the read on 2028/32 is that Whitmer and Shapiro would be the favorites. Add Walz if he wants into the mix at 68 years old, which he actually may not since he seems pretty normal. I’m not sure blocking out Walz to become the heir apparent to Kamala while leaving a power vacuum in PA actually boosts Shapiro’s presidential equity all that much… and avoiding being tied to Kamala long-term within the party preserves a lot of optionality for him.

yoooo watch this


It’s actually because private equity is buying out all the hospitals and turning them to shit.


Won’t be long at this rate before South Carolina is in the Kamala/Walz column.

How’s that for a Blue Wall?

If we have a second blue wall, do we have Blue Walz?


Lol I want some of what y’all are smoking.

It’s called hope and it’s a super dangerous drug that allows you to setup a bet with your future self settled in brain chemicals. This is a decent spot to snort some.

Actually it’s better imagined as a loan that will charge back double or more if you are incorrect in what you hoped for. It’s very helpful for getting through hard times without overindulging in coping mechanisms that have more immediate drawbacks.


They’re on a great track but there’s so many things out of their control, you can’t say that. And if they’re a lock hopefully they work their ass off to run up the scoreboard and get a legislature who will play ball like Walz had in Minnesota.



WaPo: JD Vance in texts with far-right figure: Profane and off-the-cuff

non-paywall link

Not actually that juicy but kinda funny.




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lmao I saw this tweet but not who posted it and thought someone was making a joke at his expense, I can’t believe it was him




Going to be a beautiful thing if Harris wins and Trump just blasts Vance for years straight. Vance is just heroically bad at this

Curious how problematic this going to be at rallies going forward

Protesters are interrupting Harris.

“I’m here because I believe in democracy. I believe everyone’s voice matters. But I’m speaking now. I am speaking now,” she says.

A group of pro-Palestinian protesters have interrupted Harris. It sounds like they are saying, “We won’t vote for genocide.”

Harris responded: “If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I am speaking.”