2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

Not very given the state of the government unfortunately…

It sure feels like it would take something significantly significant to reverse course on current momentum, doesn’t it?

We already do this for rich people though so it doesn’t seem terrible to do it for a select group of working class people but a better solution would be something like raising the standard deduction.

Plenty of people won’t admit it, but they’re absolutely going to vote Trump when they’re all alone in that booth.

We shouldn’t do that either. Income is income. Why should some people who make $X pay more or less in taxes than some other person who also makes $X?

Putting extra loopholes and complications makes it easier for nefarious actors to avoid paying taxes.

I’m definitely for that.

While I’m sure Trump thinks he “destroyed” Biden, that is not how it actually went down. Trump didn’t destroy Biden. He sucked also, Biden sucked soooo much more. Like in most debates there wasn’t really much in the way of direct destruction.

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Hot take incoming. Calling your opponent something like bitch, ■■■■, bastard, cocksucker, asshole, etc. in private is a lesser offense.


I mean, Trump literally fucking raped a woman and it was NBD to his supporters, so LOL at this being anything.

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Easier said than done, but I have hope if he loses the next election that history at least will remember him for the awful shit he has done.

:worstperson: but this is hilarious

I have to vote for Democrats in protest because Trump’s Republicans have become “functionally pro-choice”. Also weird sex stuff I don’t like

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I just completed a poll run by Dynata - they’re not serious people. Mega biased in favor of Trump. They listed Kamala’s abortion position as “unrestricted access up until birth.”


Interesting mental gymnastics, but we’re a big tent, all are welcome.

Reminds me of the Florida DeSantis supporters that won’t vote for Trump because he hurt their guy’s feelings. Would be amazing if Kamala somehow won the state on the backs of disaffected conservatives.

I find it hard to believe more than 10 of these people exist in whole state




The good Lord forgives everyone except couch fuckers.


Remains to be seen. Certainly there is a vocal element online. Maybe they’re all lying; wouldn’t be the biggest shock. But Trump turned tons of McCain Republicans into non-voters in AZ. Tens of thousands. Made the difference in 2020.

Maybe, but the counterpoint to that is that a McCain Republican is a lot different from a DeSantis Republican. Let’s be honest, with the party realignments, a McCain Republican is a democrat. A DeSantis Republican is an asshole.


I won’t be super surprised to see Utah be a lot closer than expected. The Mormon’s being part of the GOP core predates the last party polarity shift. My guess is that Mitt Romney’s views, as a card carrying member of the most elite level of Mormonism, are very reflective of the views of the church’s leadership.

The LDS church has probably seen the same thing from their membership that other GOP supporting religious institutions have seen… which is their members primary identity changing from ‘Mormon’ to ‘MAGA Republican’. I can promise you that the church leadership of a high control religion hates that. So from the perspective of leadership the best move is to stop providing any real help to the GOP while doing much more aggressive church first outreach to the membership (and former membership lets be real half of this is about retaining the people who are about to leave and getting back the leavers of the last half decade).

The business of religion in the US is pretty interesting. I’m expecting there to be a real shake up globally in this era of collapsing religiosity because of reddit existing. Interestingly I think a lot of people need what religions have always offered: certainty that you’re a good person and that there is some meaning to life. I think the religions that existed before the scientific method have a huge problem in the form of scientifically false beliefs, and that the internet is likely the final nail in a lot of their coffins.

Someone is going to start a new major religion in the next century that fulfills people’s need for spiritual certainty without requiring them to believe in a bunch of crap that they can google and know isn’t true.

I think the Mormon’s will survive because they’ll be the first religion to actually go free (in terms of cash they’ll still keep getting tons of free labor) to the end user because of their absolutely ridiculous investment portfolio. If Harvard is a large hedge fund with a University attached the LDS church is a hedge fund with a religion attached. They could stop taking tithes tomorrow and exist until capitalism collapses off the investment returns.

On this topic, this is an example of what I’ve always thought religions of the future will look like.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about this religion beyond having scanned their Wikipedia page briefly in the past. So if there’s some awful controversial stuff in their history somehow, do not read this as an endorsement.


Sounds like an excuse to get together on a Sunday and sing some songs and talk about being a better person. Which is a great idea for a religion, let other people worry about what their neighbors do, lets try and do better and have some hot dish.