2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

Nope, you and Ikes have just gotten lazy and used to rebuting Qanon folks. As an example of a clearly non-Qanon source who has been saying the Emperor Has No Clothes in the way I meant it, let’s try the New York fucking Times.

Recalling this nice spin job by the emperor’s sycophants:


Biden isn’t ducking The NY Times because he can’t coherently respond to non-sycophantic unscripted questions, it’s because he is an everyman who has contempt for the entitled liberal elite!

That is why he only does interviews with folks like Conan O’Brien and Jason Bateman! What an epic con job.


Did we ever think maybe that wouldn’t be their POV if we ran a presidential candidate who was actually capable of expressing any of the differences between the two parties policies?

Instead we get: look here… we can’t… if we kill Medicare… alley cats

You’re gonna have to reread this one to remind yourself of how it wouldn’t work.

1000% co-sign.

Could the toddler have beaten Joe last night?

When old people decline it can shockingly sudden and steep. In their 80s a cold was a 3+ week process and impacted higher function more than in their sixties.

So is Jimmy Carter trending because he’s dead or because he is a more energetic alternative to Joe?

The terrible idea was and continues to be having Biden run again. The fact that there are only terrible, full panic solutions left is the fault of the people who got us into a terrible situation that warrants full panic.

Yeah, he’s clearly not. After last night if someone comes up to me and says, “Hey man, I hate Trump, but after seeing Biden’s performance in that debate he’s clearly incapable of doing the job and I’m going to have to vote for Trump,” I would tell them I understand. That’s where we’re at. I’ve got no comeback for that anymore.

The man on stage last night cannot do the job of the POTUS. So, at a minimum, Joe Biden is not physically/mentally up to the job if he has a head cold? But we should give him four more years?

See, this is the thing! People are like, “Oh but it’s too late! This would be unprecedented! The Democratic Party will be in disarray after a contested convention!”

Maybe, but then they’ll have a nominee in late August and that nominee will be a competent person in their 40s or 50s capable of campainging and messaging, and they’ll be running against Donald Trump. Do you guys realize how badly Pete or Newsom or Whitmer would have curb stomped Trump last night? Most of the people on this forum could have subbed in unprepared and wiped the floor with Trump last night.

It works in one of two ways. Ideally the threat of it is enough for Biden to realize the gravity of the situation and announce he’s not running. He can literally make up a slow moving medical emergency that keeps him from a second term, get tons of sympathy, and go down in history as a selfless hero.

If that doesn’t work, you remove him and then if the GOP doesn’t go along with the permanent removal then they’ve signed off on his competency and at least that’s something.


All Biden has to do is go out and say something like, “I’m proud of the work I’ve done during my first term working to make this country better for all people, but I’ve realized that I’m not best suited to go through another campaign as the leader of the Democratic Party. So it is for the good of the party and the country that I am choosing to step aside to allow for another candidate who is better suited to take on this incredibly important campaign. I will be putting my full support behind them and encourage every American Citizen who believes in a better future for our country to do so as well.”

Then the Dems circle the wagons around Newsom or Pete and crush the general.

It literally would be that easy if the dems were remotely competent.


So I guess Biden is going to try to be resilient here and maybe on Monday or Tuesday we’ll start to see polling, and then things may get real?

The 538 polling average was:
Trump 41.1%
Biden 40.9%
Kennedy 9%

My guess is the post-debate polls are going to be something like:
Trump 42%
Biden 35%
Kennedy 14%

I don’t think Trump really gains much, I think Biden just takes a hit. Worst case for him is probably a drop to around 30%, but 35% feels about right. Hopefully that gets him to do the right thing.

WTF? Now he sounds okay again? Is he sundowning?

Edit: Many are pointing out that he is on a prompter for the rally and was for the SOTU, and obviously wasn’t for the debate.


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Last night I thought Biden was headed towards a great point about how to save social security. Discussing that the social security tax is only on the first roughly $170 k in earnings, and that uncapping it is enough to greatly strengthen and possibly even solve the supposed crisis in social security funding.

The problem is, he stroked out shortly into his answer, and no one who didn’t already know that’s the easy answer has any idea what he was talking about. He also finished his answer with over a minute left because he couldn’t complete his train of thought.

Now repeat that for an hour and a half, and you can see how we basically have the winning and popular side of every topic, but we have a candidate who is incapable of communicating any of it to the American people.

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  1. So we’re really going with that alley cat line huh?
  2. So basically Biden needs a teleprompter and can’t think on his feet.

He also pivoted from abortion to immigrants killing young women. Literally pivoted from his strongest talking point to Trump’s strongest talking point in like 15 seconds, accidentally, because he got confused.

The three moments that summed it up best were that one, the “We Beat Medicare” moment, and his incoherent sentence that Trump hit him on, “I don’t know what he said, and I don’t think he does either.”

The next debate is September. I love Joe but that’s way too late. If he glitches again…

I think the risk of keeping him is much greater than the risk of changing.

And I’m team Joe as much as anyone itt.

This isn’t a hope and change campaign. This is Trump bad. Abortion bans bad. Tax cuts for rich people bad. Punch Trump in the nose good. Repeatedly. Bait him.

I think Gavin is the best suited for this. Idk how ready the country is for Pete.

I’d love Gretchen above all else but not sure what here national profile is.

Of course Kimberly will come forward with some circus clown threesome she and Gavin had. Like video.

An assortment of reaction from important people:




Crestfallen by the president’s weak voice, pallid appearance and meandering answers, numerous Democratic officials said Biden’s bet on an early debate to rebut unceasing questions about his age had not only backfired but done damage that may prove irreversible. The president had, in the first 30 minutes of the debate, fully affirmed doubts about his fitness.

A second House Democrat said “reflection is needed” from Biden about the way ahead and indicated the private text threads among lawmakers were even more dire, with some saying outright that the president needed to drop out of the race.

With less than two months until the Democratic convention, Biden would have to agree to withdraw in order for the party to throw open the race to the delegates in Chicago. And there’s no sign, even after former Biden aides went on television to pan his performance Thursday, that he’d consider ending his half-century career in politics with a humiliating, mid-campaign exit.

There was also no indication, at least as of early Friday morning, that elected Democrats would approach Biden or even go on the record with their desire for him to quit.

A pair of six term Dem Congressmen:



Jeffries earlier said Biden shouldn’t step down, now he’s not commenting on where we are at this moment:


Pelosi backs Biden:


LMAO they’re saying the quiet part out loud:


The guy who helped get us into this mess in the first place:


3-term Congressman and 26-year senator Jack Reed doesn’t say Biden should stay in:


15-year Senator:


DNC Chair says it’s not happening:


Last but not least, Obama says last night didn’t change anything:


So I guess we’re going down in flames with Old Man Joe.


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I actually think what needs to happen is fairly simple. Biden obviously needs to announce he’s not running and release his delegates. There needs to be a behind the scenes pressure campaign to make that happen.

The DNC is 8/19 to 8/24.

Pick a date in late July to have a virtual first ballot, and set a threshold for getting into the debate. Say 500 delegates? That’s about 12%. Anyone who wants it has to wrangle enough party support, which should limit it to serious candidates.

Then have a multi-way debate, say, July 23. Follow it up with a second virtual ballot on July 25. Anyone over 1,000 delegates advances, second debate on 8/18.

Do a ballot on the convention floor 8/19 in the afternoon, top two debate in primetime at the DNC. Vote 8/20 until there’s a winner. The winner has about 48 hours to pick a VP.

8/23 VP candidate speaks, 8/24 Presidential candidate speaks.

It’ll be slightly organized chaos but the ratings will be huge, people will be tuned in hearing coherent debates, and you emerge with a candidate who can campaign, debate, and win.