2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Not imo, it’s enough to make me question far more seriously what is the best option going forward


Maybe the biggest selling point for Harris will be giving everyone a chance to stick it to Hillary

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Even more


Has your mind changed two days later?

Should Biden drop out, and do you think he will?
  • I want him to drop out, and he will.
  • I want him to drop out, but he won’t.
  • I want him to stay in, and he will.
  • I want him to stay in, but he’ll drop out.
0 voters

There’s a silver lining here. Looking at that polling before the debate makes me think we’re lucky he bombed the debate. He was already toast. He was losing states he won by 7-10% and the tipping point state in the poll by 5.1%? Geez.

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I want this whole forum to take an oath that if Biden drops out it’s nothing but 100% adoration for whoever takes spot until after election (unless it’s Hillary).


Seems like the highest EV mood is obvious: Whitmer as the nominee, she’s got Michigan almost locked so you can camp her out in PA and WI. I would probably go with Warnock as VP, figuring if he can’t get Georgia in play he should crush it campaigning with black voters in swing states anyway.

Serious question, if Harris gets passed over as the nominee, would it be considered weird not to have her run as VP again? Or vice versa?

If he drops out and releases his delegates and it’s not just handed to Kamala, I’m all-in on the nominee til after the election. If they hand it to Kamala, I reserve the right to complain at least a little until the convention and then be all-in.

There really should be a reckoning for letting it get to this point, but the time for that is after November.

make her attorney general?

I feel like it would be weirder for her to be VP again, but a lot depends on how she feels about it.

Tell Sotomayor to GTFO too and put Kamala in SCOTUS.

I don’t think Warnock can be on the ticket. We can’t give away his Senate seat for the slim hope he gives us Georgia. Plenty of other options available that don’t come with that high price.

If they want a black candidate on the ticket, and they want that candidate to help in a key state, and they want them to be high profile already, who else comes to mind?

I personally don’t subscribe to the theory that black voters aren’t going to turn out if there’s not a black candidate on the ticket, as long as the candidates are good on the issues. Especially if we’re talking about the VP.

Good job Nevada Dems!


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Idk, but I view Georgia as more of a luxury state anyway. If we’re winning that we’ve already got it in the bag.

No post-debate press conference for Biden:


I sort of agree, but it’s also nice to have multiple paths to victory that aren’t all correlates. It’s weird to imagine a world where we lose one of PA/MI/WI and win a GA/NC or NV/AZ, but perhaps some niche black swan or something could do it.

By the way, it’s still not too late for Biden to do the right thing, get a full cycle of praise for it, and take a curtain call at the convention with a prime time speech. If whoever introduces him makes it about how he’s selflessly stepping down in the interest of democracy and country, he’ll get huge ovations.

The longer he takes and the more he has to be pressured, the worse. I hope Dems pressuring him publicly are smart enough to do it in drips and drabs so the public perception can be mostly that he did it himself.

I just asked my mother in law whether she thinks Biden should drop out or not. She’s a 75 year old loyal Democratic voter who organizes, donates, and drives people to the polls. She’s what we’d consider a moderate Democrat and supported Biden in the 2020 primary.

She said she was so upset about Biden’s performance in the debate. She thinks Democrats are screwed, and that Biden should have never ran for a second term. She’s also afraid that it’s too late to pick another candidate, but that Biden still should drop out.

I’m over generalizing here, but based on her response I’m confident that Biden dropping out has no downside with the loyal block of democratic voters, and it’s all upside with independents and undecideds.