2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Hahah this fucking genius can’t just shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing himself


He’s an absolute dolt. He got FPS and couldn’t even pull of a SPAC scam during peak SPAC mania when other grifters were able to take dogshit like sustainable tomato farms public at 1bn+ valuation.

lmao A+ community note

This game is about turnout and nothing else.

Color me shocked that beautiful people appeared more attractive on camera than Trump and Vance. And color me shocked that the dude who wear heavy dark eye liner had his eyes appear darker on camera. Really weird stuff.

Looks like elmo removed the note?

My guess is the note pointed out that the debate was on ABC and not CNN, and since he corrected himself in his next tweet, the note is gone?


Please let this be true.

Better be somewhere close to an airport so he can get back for all his court appearances…

The family must really hate him if they’re willing to go to those lengths to avoid visiting him at Rikers.

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I’m cool with a blanket pardon in exchange for the whole trump family giving up their US citizenship and any right to ever set foot on American soil again.


Remind us where are you? I’m in a well-to-do Philly burb. No worries like that here.

I nominate Haiti as their destination.

This is actually why I vote by mail and drop my ballot off as early as possible. At least in CA you can track the status of your ballot including whether or not it’s been accepted so if for whatever reason they decided my signature doesn’t match I can figure out some other way to vote.



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I nominate Saturn’s moon as their destination.

Saturn’s moons are uninhabitable.

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Also think that Bernie Madoffs wife should be in a C level retirement home.


Philly burb as well. Biden went +40 here but we’re on the border of a couple Trump districts. Just uneasy by some of the signs and amount of thin blue line flags around us.


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They missed a real golden opportunity to work the number 69 in there.