2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Rumors Trump may have been recorded committing crimes

How much did tulsi get from the Russian podcast slush fund?

JD is somehow STILL talking about the cat thing

Too much. Literally blaming dems for the assassination attempt by calling him Hitler - ABC refuses to mention JD called him Hitler or at a minimum point out who the shooter was.

About 40 minutes ago, while watching CNN my Dad got mad and wanted to turn on Fox News. He said no way they’re saying Kamala won. Me, reading this thread, smirked and said “Oh really? And what if they are?” He said then they’re as nuts as CNN. Flipped it over for him lol…

He’s still shocked the polling has her winning the debate, he thinks she’s an idiot and a moron, she didn’t answer any questions and all she wants to do is give money away to people starting businesses and that’s bad (tax cuts are good though, as long as he gets some scraps).

Eventually he gets to immigration and of course the end result was me and him yelling at each other aggressively, and when that died down my mom decided to jump in on abortion and she and I argued too. Fun times!

Logically cornered him several times, he sat there looking at me trying to figure out which way to go, then just changed the subject.

Boomers, man.





My Dad got BIG mad when this endorsement popped up on CNN.

BTW whoever the poster was who told me a while back that my father’s story about voting for Obama because I was uninsured was a lie, you were right. He accidentally admitted that tonight while we were arguing. 100% Republican voter his whole life, because tax cuts for the rich that help the economy (lol but he thinks Kamala is the idiot) and anti-immigration.


Another one as I stream of consciousness vent into this thread… My Dad literally used the phrase “What about the RUSSIAN RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax?” and when I told him to read the Mueller Report his reply with a straight face was Bill Barr already proved that false, and when I told him Barr believes in the unitary executive theory of elected kings he laughed in my face.

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Donald Trump was shot in the head (maybe?) and nearly assassinated less than 2 months ago and it didn’t even come up in this debate.

He was so hoping he could ride that bloody fist-pump right into election day.



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This was beyond a debate win, this was a masterclass in debating a narcissist. She paced him around the ring, baited him into throwing wild haymakers, got inside and tore him up, then threw the same combination at him over and over and it worked every time. She didn’t just win, she controlled him start to finish.

I’ve been waiting eight fucking years to see someone do that to him by combining prep and thinking on their feet. This is the type of debate they’ll be teaching about in history class in 30 years.

Kamala is a big game player.


(Random: IYFFE is Brazilian)

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Springfield, Ohio has a culture problem with lazy people who would rather take government handouts to spend on their fentanyl addictions than do an honest day’s work. Thank god for the Haitian immigrants who are stepping in to save the economy of this dying shithole


Initially was wondering why they didn’t save swift for whenever the debate pump starts to fade and Nate starts to make people nervous but anything that gets more people to watch clips of this thing and talk about it the better. That being said I did have some fear NFL corrupted her so glad to see fears were unfounded

These were also the best debate moderators of our lifetime, fact-checking his lies in real time.


I was definitely feeling it before but now just so plainly obvious Kamala running a competent campaign firing on all cylinders


Amazing that swift specifically needling Trump about those AI images


The singer said she was in part motivated to share her voting decision with the public after an AI image of her falsely endorsing Trump was posted on his website.

“It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation,” she said. "It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter