I agree, but then we have to keep it there for another two months.


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100% agree with the Trump wasn’t actually shot takes


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Where’s the investigation? Doctor’s report? Anything…?

You think the assassiation attempt complete with local crazy gun nut kid who ends up dead was somehow staged?

I assume CN thinks “Trump” was hit with shrapnel and got an owie which caused a bleeding or something, rather than a full-scale conspiracy theory?

galaxy brain take here, yes it was staged but it was actually the guy with advanced dementia who can’t tie his own shoes that masterminded it!


This pics of the bleeding made it seem he got a super small nick towards the front of the ear, drew a tiny red line on that area. I bet it was like just barely more than a shaving nick as opposed to getting the actual structure of ear blasted off

Actually on looking at those pics more maybe did get an “entrance” wound on front of ear and “exit” on back passing through air between but it was more of a rub/abrasion than solidly hitting the cartilage

Staged vs real attempt would matter, but it takes a q-anon level conspiracy theory to believe it was staged. Bullet wound vs shrapnel seems like an unnecessary distinction. Either way he’s only alive thanks to the assassin’s shitty aim. Either way he handled it fearlessly and got an iconic campaign photo out of it. And either way we shouldn’t care enough to discuss it. The world has for whatever reason largely moved on from it despite the right’s push to turn it into a 9-11 scale “never forget” hashtag. Don’t give it any air.

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I think Trump wasn’t hit, like at all

I think for this to be any sort of meaningful statement need to elaborate on what you think happened. Like that kid clearly shot bullets and got shot by snipers. And someone behind Trump got killed and Trump had red blood like substance on ear so gotta draw some sort of line of what you proposing

I think Trump got an owie from falling down.

yeah I think this is pretty likely, either he scraped on the podium/stage or something worn by a secret service agent cut him when they dogpiled him

the fact that they haven’t released any medical report at all should really cause people to adjust their priors

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O yeah that seems plausible, although thought he looked at blood on hand before went down in the videos. By not hit I thought you meant he had no injury

Is the “45-47” thing on the hat just a little bit weird here? Like he’s still president weird? Right?

He grabbed at his ear before going down, didn’t he?


He definitely grabbed ear just like a bee had stung him or whatever like his story but conceivably could just have been from the noise of a close call. But I thought there also was a pic with some blood on his hand before he even got dogpiled. Possible I imagining that

It would be a pretty big coincidence for him to grab at his ear, then fall and get a random owie exactly where he had grabbed.


I agree I think he got hit by something on that ear prior to going down. If he was a woman and had grabbed with left hand a wedding ring could have done something but given the ear grab and that we have that pic of him on ground with already gravity blood streaks I think he was bleeding before went down personally. But I obviously appreciate the astronomical odds of getting shot in a manner that could cause such a super minor injury