This is my question. I don’t doubt at all that a lot of young non-white men are interested in Trump because a lot of young men in general are interested in him. But I’m very hopeful they are not super likely voters compared to the women

I have some thoughts, but for jinx reasons I can unfortunately vote nothing but Bastard until after election day. My apologies.

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I think there are different groups here among young male voters. There are the fascist-curious voters who I think are mostly white, mostly like online toxic masculine types. I think the young non-white voters are not so much “interested in” Trump as they are interested in an alternative to an establishment they think has left them behind, interested in a better shake economically, and jaded by eDems.

They’re not going to get what they’re looking for from Trump, but they don’t realize that.

I think it’s a mistake to think toxic masculinity is somehow isolated or concentrated to white American males. Many non-white males aren’t coming to trump for any more noble reasons than white guys. CNN article that I admit I only read first paragraph of

“I’m an alpha male, you can’t speak to me like this. I need to be treated like a king.”

Njeri wa Migwi recounts a story one of her clients had told her, describing to CNN how a once-caring husband suddenly began demeaning his wife and putting her down; saying things he never used to say.

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Yeah, and it’s not going to happen. Those same polls also suggested old people would shift democratic.

All of those things seem super unlikely to happen.

Any non-paywalled version of this tool?

I think the EV numbers are all kinds of messed up this cycle. Hanging my hat on registered Rs voting Kamala, amd independents breaking hard for her. If we all took half the time we spend on parsing every dump of 1,000 ballots that come in and instead spent that time pgone banking or texting banking to gotv in swong states, we’d be happier and more productive. I want to totally tune out for the next two weeks but I know I’m not capable of it.

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Yeah they have state by state winner and for some states they have MOV as well. Like Trump winning PA by 2.5+ was at 33% last time I checked which is massively lol.

It’s just wild to me that we can know this much specificity about early voting. Really wild system

Very meta.


All those voting early won’t be voting on election day though.

Trump tells them to vote early, they vote early. Trump tells them to vote on election day, they vote on election day.

Yeah but that pollster missed in our favor last time, so these actually point to a close win for Trump if their miss is the same.

(post deleted by author)

Well I can confirm our ballots made it in AZ. They did not die in a tragic intentional setting a postal box on fire accident.

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Help me understand this obsession with insisting on knowing what a human being will do.

I’m not trying to be wellackshuallyguy, I’m really trying to understand.

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Hey I’m ODing daily on Hopium. Only way I can survive. That and some pretty dark NBZ like fantasies.

Cynicism runs rampant, and most of us know that the median person is a fucking dipshit, so some of us extrapolate based on that. I agree it’s douchey to assume anything about BasicBlue’s mom from one anecdote.

I assume you mean making such a bold declarative statement when I can’t possibly know FOR SURE whether this random lady I’ve never met will vote one way or another?

Mostly for lols cuz it’s the internet and we’re here to entertain each other, but also just try to imagine a person who was described as having political beliefs that were “Transaphobic, anti-immigrants Fox News Greatest hits album” and describes Kamala Harris as an “unqualified nasty woman” and Tim Walz a “scumbag” who “put Tampons in boys bathrooms”.

I’d be inclined to believe a person like this would be more likely to placate their child (who they almost assuredly love) and still vote for Donald J. Trump in the privacy of the voting booth than soberly casting aside their deeply held beliefs that trans immigrants are about to overrun her neighborhood and eat the cats and dogs and resist touching their pen to the “Bigots Scribble Here” scantron dot.

Releasing so much info on the vote seems kind of bad but also maximum transparency is probably worth it

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