I just meant from a philosophical standpoint effectively it’s an exit poll in that it’s saying how people voted and presumably could discourage people who think election is decided


That’s true, although I think it’s been relatively buried and only junkies know about it.

Great ad. Good on Kelly for doing an audio interview.

This is the strongest argument for your point of view. Rally size indicates that we’ve got the enthusiasm edge. Social media, likewise. Lawn signs, not so much. But the rallies seem important.

If you accept as a given that we have an enthusiasm edge, it’s hard to logically argue we’re losing both PA and Georgia.

You mean banks aren’t voluntarily giving overdraft protections because they don’t like money?

Another obvious sign that capitalism is in it’s final, flailing form are the “buy 4 get 3 free deals” you constantly see at grocery stores.

Of course, if a person can convince themselves that the environment isn’t in peril, then they could probably delude themselves into believing anything.

Apparently CNN says that a majority of the people at her undecided voters town hall last night have said she convinced them to vote for her. :vince1:


The messaging discipline and disparity between Rs and Ds is infuriating and I think will be one of the biggest factors if things go poorly for us. Rs are just so good at pounding lies into the brains of everyone, even people who don’t support them.

At a poker table just now, two players chopped pre flop and the small blind throws a dollar to me and says “nobody should work for free”. I thank him and he immediately follows it with “unless your coming in over the border illegally” to which another guy who hadn’t said a word in 25 mins replies “they dont even work, kamala is just giving them cash”.

These assholes most likely live in rich suburbs of philly and have never had a negative interaction with an immigrant in their lives. They likely rely on immigrants to do shit they don’t want to do, like landscape their shitty property and farm their shitty food. But Rs are so good at pounding their message that it just becomes so natural for these guys to have it on the top of their mind at any given moment and spew it out when it it has zero relevancy to the current conversation. It’s insideous, and maga messaging has just broken the brains of so many people.


No they aren’t Trump has been off message 99.5% of the time for months. This is bullshit. Meanwhile Kamala is relentlessly on message 10,000% of the time with skill and aggression. It’s to the point where the media is poking her with a stick like ‘come on do something’ trying desperately to get her to fuck up… without success.

It’s insane and infuriating.

My Mother, during our phone call I described above told me she gets scared and worried about my wife taking our two young kids to playgrounds because of illegal immigrants. In suburban Philly. In broad daylight.

The GOP and Fox News have convinced people that there are murderous immigrants just blood-thirstily lurking in the bushes.

You’re right. I guess I mean the R messaging that actually reaches the masses.

Whatever disagreement exists on this subject please take it to the designated thread

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But my goodness the fact that THAT crowd is in Georgia … :eyes:


Like cmon guys, we’re winning this fucking thing


Have you considered moving to California? Lots of card rooms, no tipped minimum wage for dealers, and very few interactions like that.

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Got home from work, let’s check the…


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Welcome to hell!

Most of those people aren’t there for The Boss.


The WSJ is… helping us?