I’m not pumped about it but I can understand the logic and at that point if the US still wants fascism because she not a slick enough public speaker then I guess thats what we deserve

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The logic being anything other than who is the best candidate that gives us the highest likelihood of winning is what pisses me off about eDems.


Forever the best summary of the Democratic Party.



I agree but I think there an argument that even if someone else would have a better chance in a vacuum that the actual act of passing up the female minority VP could cause such serious internal division that it could tank the D chances. I don’t know if it a good or bad argument but certainly imagine it would piss off a subset of folks pretty badly

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What’s going to tank D chances is having a candidate who voters don’t want and who doesn’t have the communication skills to win them over. Everything else is distraction.

Like is there such a zealous pro Kamala faction within the Democratic party?

Rumors were her own staff hated her in the 2020 primaries, who are her die hard allies?

Do minority voters actually feel like she represents them or is that some sort of reductionist identity politics patronizing by the political leadership?

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I don’t think it matters much between Kamala and other options. We need a replacement level Democrat that isn’t senile to go out there and not draw attention from Trump.

Like it or not this election is about Trump. He wants it to be all about him, and so do the Democrats. The Supreme Court has helped with the viability of this strategy immensely over the last couple of months. This is not a hard play to make and we do not need some political god to make it happen. In fact the reason Biden has to go is that he fucked up the debate so badly that attention shifted from Trump to himself and that’s not acceptable right now.

I just want them to move Biden out of the way, pick someone anyone, and get this thing back on the road toward it absolutely should be inevitable conclusion.

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Reading this from January:


plus seeing the leaked internals has me worried that we are underestimating the effect of the absolutely massive anti-incumbent sentiment that is prevalent throughout the world (independent of ideology or policy) and the difference between the strength of Trumpism with Trump actually on the ballet vs. midterms where he is represented by third rate impersonators.

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I mean, we’re backed into a corner because Joe has been a selfish narcissist. Can’t fix that now.



Cool. Cool, cool, cool.

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Regardless, Kamala being the candidate would be within the range of normalish D politics upsetting not I cannot believe I ever believed these people have an ounce of decency upsetting.

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This is how I feel, point I was making above is if people who have the pulse of the D campaign machinery think we can choose Newsom/Gretchen/etc and campaign could function then sounds great. But if they seem to think passing Harris going to cause some internal problems then I’m not going to be upset because like you said we really just need to hold up someone who not senile and point to Trump going full fascist and let country decide

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I think the average gop voter actually is smarter than the average Dem voter insofar that the GOP voters understand that politics is about power.

But to be fair, the gop is very enthusiastic about exercising its power while the Dems are not.

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Besides Kamala being the weakest 2024 candidate. If she manages to win(I don’t think she will), it also means we have the weakest potential 2028 option, because no one will dare primary her.


I have no idea, again I’m not saying I think it should be her just that in the case of a battlefield promotion the second in command is the default choice so seems fair to assume will be her until presented with some evidence otherwise

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Good point.

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the one upside is that if they can get trump into another debate she might bait him into dropping a n-bomb

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you haven’t met the khive?


The full, honest case against Kamala is that what the American swing voter demands in a candidate is someone that they believe is the very best that the country has to offer (Obama) or someone of their ilk (Trump, Biden, GWB, I.e. a simple minded white man that they believe is putting their interests as a mediocre white person first).

Kamala obviously fails in neither category so that is the case that she can’t possibly win. Oh well, nevertheless, here we are.

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Lots of debate about Kamala, but also, he’s not dropping out so this is all academic.

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And he’d gain even more ground in the lol poles.

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