College Football - Ruh Roh NCAA?

Sure didn’t do that against MSU this weekend :grinning:

Haven’t been following this at all but this video popped up on msn or something. Seems kinda :harold: in context of the other stuff^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1716843872267976805|twgr^5d6596df60e66bee2c8799f4b4b7a2c1982fa563|twcon^s1_&

No it’s just fucking morons.

  1. OSU changed their signals for this game, per OSU

  2. It’s third and goal from the four, everyone knows OSU is likely to pass

  3. OSU scores on this play and UM didn’t have anything weird on at all

  4. Defenses react to offensive audibles all the time. That’s what happened here, and what happens all the time. You show a blitz, they audible, defense checks out of a blitz

I think the point is the proximity of this guy to the relevant coaches

You’d think wrong. It’s all over OSU twitter as proof UM is stealing signals.

Obviously people going to conjecture but more relevant thing is once some actual proof does arise about whatever this guy was doing going to pretty hard for Harbaugh and company to just throw him under bus and claim they didn’t know what this guy was doing when he seen talking to them at precisely the time you would expect someone stealing signals to talk to them

No one claimed they didn’t know the guy though… so I’m not sure what your point is.

Also, the article uses this to argue Stalion is stealing signs based on this video.

This type of sign stealing is firmly everyone does this territory. You’re allowed to look at the other sideline. It’s the other stuff that’s an issue.

I’d love to see if the sideline view here has signs in it, because a lot of coaches have referred to it as if it does, especially when combined with TV broadcasts

Given the information available, I think you are defending by turning a 60/40 into a 100/0. Be less invested. Let’s let it play out, I say this for your mental health more than anything.

The problem with these systems is that while the signs may change, the “key” is probably pretty similar. Figure out the “key” and a new code is easy to decipher.

For instance, the German radio reports in the morning always listed casualties, strength, supplies, etc in the exact same order every day. They usually had the days “code” deciphered by breakfast because they could build off their rigid communication structure (first hand account from neighbors WWII radio interceptor father).

If this guy is actually good at ciphers, then the specific code is a minor impediment.

Again, I think you are probably right. My posts about getting a “W” are 100% in jest.


What? If you think I think there’s no chance Michigan did something wrong here you’re sorely mistaken.

sparty’s new team bus

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I can’t even see the posts in this thread due to all the copium smoke.


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Just vigor of your arguments that’s all. I know you know that it’s possible.

Lol this is hilarious if actually one the main reasons they not using audio

“ Administrators have raised concerns that headset communication like the kind used in the NFL would void the warranties of helmets. ”

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Seems likely others on staff were aware.

Look, Hairball should in no way make blanket statements unless/until he has out his own staffers in a cinder block room under a single lightbulb (battery or bucket of water optional).

He’s the boss. He has to make it abundantly clear what is and is not acceptable. Not the first time his staff has gone rogue. E

Hope he enjoys his new NFL gig. He might be a good fit in New England.

Blah blah blah this is some serious Commodus.gif material

They imply this is linked somehow. Maybe the FBI just forwarded some stuff to the NCAA? The way they’ve been so cryptic on Weiss seemed to imply “inappropriate” computer crimes.
