College Football - Ruh Roh NCAA?

Are you sure? This is 11.6.1:

11.6.1 Off-Campus, In-Person Scouting Prohibition. Off-campus, in-person scouting of future opponents (in the same season) is prohibited, except as provided in Bylaws and (Adopted: 1/11/94 effective 8/1/94, Revised: 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97, 1/19/13 effective 8/1/13, 1/15/14)

The exemptions are for attending a conference or ncaa championship game. There is no ‘coach gossip’ exemption.

Wetzel has a good article on this:

Whatever it is, just make it even, because the actions of Connor Stalions and the actions that Ohio State, Rutgers and Purdue allegedly engaged in are the exact same thing.

Yes, the exact same thing.

Stalions sent friends out to film the sideline signals of future Wolverine opponents. He then got the video and allegedly worked to decipher the play calls. It appears one time he even stood on a Central Michigan sideline comically wearing what looks like spy glasses to scout Michigan State.

These were blatant, brazen acts. While stealing signs isn’t against NCAA rules, advanced scouting is. Stalions was clearly engaging in that.

Last Friday, however, Michigan presented the Big Ten with evidence that someone on the Rutgers football staff provided Michigan’s defensive signals to Purdue in advance of the Boilermaker-Wolverine 2022 Big Ten title game. Meanwhile, someone at Ohio State handed over U of M’s offensive signals.

So in the Big Ten Championship Game, both teams had the other’s signals, both of which were gathered via advanced scouting. (Michigan won, 43-22.)

In Michigan’s case, the “advanced scouts” were Stalions’ band of iPhone-toting buddies.

In Purdue’s case, the “advanced scouts” were the professional coaching staffs of two other Big Ten teams that had just played the Wolverines, and thus could battle-test the signs they stole as accurate.

Where is this evidence of others wrongdoing? So far it’s Trump holding up a sharpie drawn hurricane path and ‘people are saying…’ type shit.

All the reporting is “Michigan says that Ohio State, Rutgers, and Purdue…”

There’s an actual source and documents, written up by SI.

BIG doesn’t have the balls to suspend harbaugh

It’s going to end up like a 300,000 fine which the boosters will pay and ¯_(ツ)_/¯

To those saying that two teams colluding with a third team to try and beat the 4th team

It doesn’t matter if it’s “against the rules”

It’s worse than anything Michigan did.

Conclusion? Collusion!

I’m hoping Michigan files for TRO immediately and draws a UM law grad judge who doesn’t recuse, B1G files for conflict of interest, and we get a change of venue to federal court in the sOuThErN DiStRiCt oF fLoRiDa hosted by Judge Aileen Cannon.

Going to be chefs kiss when someone associated with Michigan gets charged for an actual crime in trying to intimidate/blackmail someone related to all this

The fact that nothing has been announced yet, not even a timetable of decisions isn’t really a good look for Pettiti’s future as a commissioner of this conference.

He came at the king

And missed

He gone

Michigan to join the PAC3


insider chatter that has been right so far is that probably nothing significant happening, but also said pettiti got pissed last night so :person_shrugging:

He should absolutely just wear a bad disguise and be on the sidelines anyway. Get Spencer’s Gifts to team up with Ray-Ban to do a Groucho Marx Wayfarer that records videos.

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He won’t have to do that since he isn’t going to be suspended

Comparing Michigan to Alabama is the craziest take to come out of this whole thing

So Jim is on the sideline tomorrow

What are they going to do. Suspend him again?

So is this sufficient to trigger ARMAGEDDON and have Michigan release their super secret evidence that other teams are cheating?

Yeah any suspension. Let alone 3 games.

Anything we got is coming out.

It might have been a bluff. Maybe not

Bad new for PSU. They still have Franklin and they suck

Do we finally get the release of the kraken?