College Football - Ruh Roh NCAA?

Alright this is starting to get boring. Let’s pump some life back into this and see what my man Shuuuuuusta’s got:


yeah this is all over michigan board stuff, kinda dumb tbh imo


Ugh sick to my stomach about this game. Sucks that I’ll be working a night shift tonight, likely will watch it later

Also lol msu just quitting

Arch Manning has made his debut

Did they have a game yesterday?

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Man fuck the NCAA, fuck Ohio State’s inbred fan base and most importantly fuck Ryan Day. Let’s do this.

Since “The Kick Six”…

•3 National Championships
•3 Heismans
•6 SEC Championships
•7 Playoff Appearances
•27 First Round Picks

•1-1 in the Birmingham Bowl

Dear Ryan Day

Please check your calendar. The year is 2033. 4th and less than 1 near midfield is an automatic go for it. It’s not 1975. Woodys been dead for about 40 years.

That was a terrible spot on that play. It should have been a few inches and they spotted it a yard and a half. But yea Day already going into his turtle shell.

Lmao how many picks will this donk throw today?

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That whole sequence is karma.

Doesn’t chllaenge bad spot
Mediocre punt
False victory on UM 3 and out
4th down punch in.
scUM 7- tOSU 0

What are these spots? They are finally looking at one at least.

Always kills me that college teams still take shotgun on 4th and short.

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lmao OSU 25 turning his back to the QB turned an INT to a TD given away

Here comes the refball.

My god Day is such a fucking cry baby.