COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Basically what the review is actually finding, if these big brain geniuses used actual common sense, is that people don’t follow masking guidelines and hand washing is fairly easy so they do it.

The real takeaway here is the messaging on masks has sucked and there’s been no public buyin.

And with that, hellloooooo H5N1! What could possibly go wrong? (Still somewhat unlikely to jump, but mammal to mammal spread is concerning.)

I’ll cop to not reading the Cochrane review of masks, but I’ve always fucking hated meta-analysis of shit papers trying to turn those shit papers into good science. (Thrombolytics for stroke I’m looking at you)

Meta generally means-uncontrolled.

I’ve started to see law ads for Tylenol during pregnancy leading to autism. Turns out it’s heavy Tylenol use and if someone is taking lots of Tylenol perhaps there are other factors at play and oh boy it’s a meta analysis. But whatever theory they can get a court to buy.

Science by jury. Yeah.


Gave Tylenol and paxlovid to a pregnant woman yesterday like a real cowboy in medicine

Hope your insurance is paid you Fauci wanna be.

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Looks like the XBB wave is finally hitting Oregon, and it looks like it’s wrapping up in NY. Not much of an uptick in deaths associated with it there compared with past waves, so it seems like immunity is holding up pretty well, at least for deaths.


Excess deaths are still up quite a bit in general, my guess is we’re missing quite a bit in these waves due to much less testing. I feel like the only accurate look at deaths at this point due to COVID are coming from excess death numbers each year - of course that’s measuring acute and long COVID impacts.

Not sure where to put this but his previous Covid work makes me say here. Basically spreading misinformation about end of life care. Truly disgusting

Just tested positive for the first time.

It was a good run.


Good luck! Hope it’s mild with no after effects.

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And enjoy that sweet “as effective as the vaccine” immunity. (At least for early variants)

It’s mild as in I’m not about to die or even go to the hospital from it, but I haven’t felt this bad in decades. Yesterday I could barely move.


Jeez, hang in there.

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Wow, Mr and Mrs Potato Head have a nice state legislature there.

Two fucking senators from that shithole.

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Nobody should be surprised by this. This will absolutely be proposed in the US House if they get a trifecta. Hopefully it fails.

There are a handful crazy enough to propose it, then it comes down to how much the rest in the House fear the base. It shouldn’t be able to get 60 in the Senate, though.

Like, if you listen to their rhetoric on vaccines and keep an eye on their social media, banning it is the common sense thing to do. Anyone who believes their rhetoric would support a ban.

Managed to ride out the weekend, it was pretty intense. Mid-grade fever, aches all over, throat felt like it had razor blades in it. Last time I felt this sick was probably when I had norovirus in university 30 years ago. Now I just feel constantly tired and have a bit of congestion left over.

My wife, of course, got it and started showing symptoms two days later, so she’s still in hell right now. We figured it was impossible to avoid spreading it in a two-bedroom apartment, so we just accepted the inevitable.


Glad you’re OK.

Just getting over my 2nd bout (and my wife’s 1st) this past week, thankfully it’s all classic post-Omicron era symptoms where it’s mostly like a nasty fucking cold with the driest, sorest throat ever, no fever or aches. Mine was like a speedrun version of my last infection and I’m ~100% a week later, wife is back to work but still has massive congestion and sinus headaches though.

Oh c’mon now. There are as many people in San Diego county as Idaho! So, it’s pretty big. Oops nope got that wrong. There are as many Americans in San Diego county outside of the city of San Diego as Idaho. The 10th President of the USA has a living grandson. I know two pieces of trivia—President Tyler has a living grandchild and San Diego County xSan Diego City would be the thirty-seventh or thirty-eighth most populous state.

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