COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

I just listened this morning. Excellent.

I am currently the sickest I’ve ever been in my life and concerned about being hospitalized. 3 doses into paxlovid, and got the bivalent booster in the fall. Edit: No risk factors. Overweight, but BMI under 30. Wtf?


Why are you concerned about being hospitalized?

So far a lot of data has showed that even mild covid infections get a pretty high rate of long covid, but of course there are different types/degrees of long covid.

Do you think this aspect of long covid is mostly linked to depression stemming from covid in some way? I’ve been wondering how much of this might be explained by people feeling run-down for a few weeks after the initial infection runs its course, leading to like a week of being basically in bed/on the couch, then a few weeks of still not doing stuff that’s healthy overall like getting outside, getting sunlight, getting exercise, etc. That can disrupt sleep, which can then cause cascading problems, which can be a vicious cycle.

It’s a good thought. I really don’t know. My feeling is it’s almost certainly a heterogeneous thing where some people got COVID and now have brain fog for X reason and others for Y reason that may be different physiologically. I would be pretty surprised if we found out everyone being impacted by same mechanism.

Like for example there is a phenomena where having an infection and/or taking antibiotics may potentially increase risk for manic episode afterwards. But even within that it could be some general inflammatory response issue, a gut microbiome issue or sleep dysregulation/social changes as potential mechanisms all leading to same outcome

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Irrational fear based upon how sick i currently feel probably.

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Hang in there, I’m still novid as far as I know, but I am susceptible to freak outs too. Is there anything specifically freaking you out, are you breathing ok? Like I’ve had really high fever flus so I’m sort of prepared for that aspect of it, but I want no part of anything more serious than that.

Do you have a pulseox? That was a good way of reassuring myself I was probably ok when I felt similarly.

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Come one, come all, come on down to the slam dunk contest on Nate Silver.

Beyond it being incorrect… think that would apply to people claiming covid was a lab leak.

That’s the whole point of the dunk contest. That Nate hangs his hat on a DOE report that showed literally no evidence.


He also had this

Completely does not consider that there is a giant misinformation campaign to attack education (and take it over).

Does he even consider it a misinformation campaign?

Not until they come for the Sparty stats department

Update: I went from “fine” to “sickest I’ve ever felt in my life and worried about dying” back to “fine” again in fucking record time. Yay vaccination and antiviral medication I guess, here’s hoping I don’t relapse since I’m taking my last paxlovid dose tonight.




yeah about that cochrane review…

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Too bad the damage is already done. The right will just say they bowed to political pressure from liberal elites and “we all know the truth,” or something like that.

Fucking relapsed. Felt fine for two days, testing negative on rapid tests. Now testing positive again, high fever again. Motherfucker.