COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

yeah common phenomenon. I think the dosing for paxlovid is wrong and should be longer, but that’s just my opinion


I have not really been paying attention, why is “lab leak” in the news again suddenly? Is it just the DoE report? That report assigned “low likelihood” correct? what does that mean, like 35% chance they think it was from a lab? was that assessment based on new evidence that was uncovered or is it just “we can’t think of any other explanation” sort of thing?

That’s what put it back in the news. I think they described it as over 50% likely but with low certainty. Of course, other agencies disagree but good luck finding coverage of that.

Pretty much. All of the highest quality evidence on the subject points to a natural event

After DoE, Wray on FOX

Another outbreak at work, close to 10% of the staff tested positive since Friday.

I was in an 8 hour training session with two of the pozzes last Thursday, protect me bivalent booster and natural immunity!


So it’s that time of year again, where I feel compelled to read through some of the things I wrote down about NYC Covid in March/April 2020.

First, an old image. This is a “memorial” to the time when we ran out of non-rebreather masks. I wasn’t at this hospital when it happened, but it did happen:

I think I’ve written about Frank Gabrin and The Clintons buying us pizza.

I want to talk about a patient who was a gomer. The world is derogatorily used to refer to old patients, usually without some sort of big medical problem, who end up in the hospital with X,Y,Z to get pointless medical care. It was popularized by House of God. (A book that has some real wisdom in it but the main character is so unlikable it’s hard to finish - kind of like Catcher in the Rye).

Mary was a gomer. She came into the ER literally 200 times per year complaining of chest pain. She was in her 70s and lived alone. She’d call 911 and come in by ambulance. She was a sweetheart, but swore she was dying each time. Typically a work up for chest pain includes lots of different tests, CXR at least and whatnot. For her, we just ordered one blood test to make sure there was no evidence of a heart attack called a troponin. She had something like 500+ negative troponins in our system. If you tried to look, the electronic medical record would fail.

She eventually got put in a nursing home, and she stopped coming in all the time. We think she just wanted to talk to someone.

I came on a night shift and saw Mary. She was intubated, and had covid. She’d literally never been sick before in our ER despite being there 100s of times. She was on our typical cocktail at the time (azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine). Unfortunately a side effect of that is arrhythmias, and she had one. A bad one. We did CPR off and on on her for 30 minutes, shocked her 5 times, and got her back. She left the ER soon after, and I’m not sure what happened, but it’s 90%+ she didn’t make it after that.

It was far from the largest tragedy of my time, but it was still jarring.


is this an anniversary of something? forgive my ignorance.

and god that link, say what you want about hill dawg but she’s so good at getting haters riled. sending pizza, lol, that’s masterful right wing trolling

I know from facebook and my camera roll reminding me of 3 years ago what was going on in the early days. I hadn’t been paying much attention to anything at all, having been in a stint of unemployment and was in a bit of a funk. I first heard about covid in late 2019 and then like, all of a sudden I’m starting a new job so on like a weekday I go to get a haircut (it had been like 4 months) and nothing is open at 12pm. I checked my calendar and it wasn’t a holiday. on my way home, confused, i texted my sister and she’d asked me if I’d been living under a rock. Still legitimately confused, she told me the state was on lockdown from covid.

I didn’t have it as bad as a lot did, but it was extraordinarily difficult for me. I quarantined until the vaccine came which was over a year. Only left my house a handful of times to golf. no human contact, living alone, working from home. I often told myself I could last til December of 2020 unless things majorly improved. they didn’t, and kept getting worse.

the vaccine came at a wonderful point for me. while stuff wasn’t even close to back to before, I could at least go out and golf more without as much fear of dying. tragedy struck my family though after that, which sucked.

now it feels like stuff’s relatively back to normal at least where i am. it’s surreal, like the last 3 years was one long bad dream.

Hitting the NYC outbreak in earnest. It went to shit for me around March 20th.

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The weekend of March 14-16 was when the shit hit the absolute fan for me, and where I work.

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I closed on house almost exactly on day when people started getting shook. Lawyer left the papers in an empty room and said “well usually I would explain all that to you but the general idea is if you want the house you gotta sign everything in that pile”. I had a moment of thinking this seems really bad, but ended up working out given how housing market went wild after



Today’s the third anniversary of shelter-in-place orders starting in the US but fear not, multiple very intelligent billionaires have assured us this will all blow over by the end of April.


Me: what the hell is a raccoon dog?

I don’t know, but I’m guessing within a few days it’ll be common knowledge to half the country that it has its origins in wokeism. Something something the radical leftists let a raccoon identify as a dog and the next thing you know, we had a killer pandemic but also it’s just the flu.

Oh shit, that’s it. Woke leftists in a lab crossbred raccoons and dogs for the Chinese Communist Party to weaponize a virus to bring down America but it’s just the flu!

Coming soon to a Tucker Carlson clip near you.

Was the the raccoon the top or the bottom?

This George Gao fellow seems sus and I’m not sure what to make of it. Collects a bunch of data from the Wuhan marketplace, publishes a study saying COVID didn’t come from there. Now some French researcher randomly finds COVID sequences in the data that no one bothered to make public? And the guy’s response is a total non-sequitur:

Given that the mystery of SARS-CoV-2’s origin has been a matter of intense global interest and divisive debate, the data’s discovery and subsequent disappearance will certainly raise questions about why the Chinese team—which includes the former head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), George Gao—did not make the sequences public earlier. Contacted by Science, Gao said the sequences are “[n]othing new. It had been known there was illegal animal dealing and this is why the market was immediately shut down.”

My guess is someone dun goofed and is covering their ass.

WAPO reporting that individuals who are catching Omicron now seem to have lower incidences of Long COVID vs. those who caught earlier strains.

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1 in 16 vs 1 in 12. No data on the impact of vaccination is shared in the article.

But it looks like they also adjust based on baseline rates before each wave, and the Omicron wave only added 0.3% to baseline. Would need to see more on sources/underlying data here but this could be great news.