COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Just make an appointment at a pharmacy

Society is based on rules. If we don’t follow the rules society breaks down. Why do you want society to breakdown?


Thread - Florida deleted data from their vaccine study last year that contradicted the conclusion they wanted to publish (that young men shouldn’t get the vaccine, lol)

non-paywall link to Tampa Bay Times story

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No surprise there. Moderna, BioNTech, and Pfizer should sue him, DeSantis, and the state over it. I’m sure there’s some kind of qualified immunity and whatnot, but the headlines alone would be valuable for the companies and for the pro-vaccine cause.

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This is not 'Nam, jman.




I kinda poked the bear a bit over there about this topic and a certain whistleblower.

I know. I’m naughty.

Without even looking I can’t imagine this story has anything to do with Rebekah Jones, lol.

saw almost no masks.

Was called a “retarded fucking idiot” for wearing a mask yesterday by a complete stranger in passing on the way into the casino. God Bless America. Good to know that guy has access to lots of guns!

Completely ignored him and kept walking, of course, because of the potential he’s got an arsenal in his F-150.

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By the way, I had previously suggested there was a likelihood that COVID-19 weakened the immune system, at least for some significant duration of time. Nobody really seems to give a shit about this stuff anymore, so I haven’t posted anything else about it, but it’s been proven true in multiple studies and the CDC indirectly admitted it in guidance about fungal diseases. As far as I know they haven’t directly admitted it yet.

We’re in the “COVID is not airborne,” phase of “COVID weakens your immune system.”

Hopefully it’s not permanent, but I can’t say I’m super optimistic.

I’ve had several players question me in the past month about why I still wear a mask. In my room I’d say maybe 20% of the dealers still do, but I’m the only younger non asian one who does. Honestly I’ve been kind of enjoying the reactions when I respond “I’m on chemotherapy and wearing it allows me to keep working while slightly lowering the chance I die from coming to work”. Or when a reg kind of snarkily asked “when you gonna lose the mask, Brad?” and I responded with “as soon as my oncologist says I can. You know what an oncologist is?”

Shuts them up so fucking fast, every time.


Can you link these studies?

I haven’t looked at anything recent but seemed like lot of studies didn’t have any way to account for the YOLO effect that many people immediately dropped whatever precautions they were taking after getting covid so likely then immediately picked up a bunch of other infectious illnesses

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Yeah I think a lot of it is this. I recall there being some evidence that measles damages immunity against other diseases, so Covid having a similar effect certainly seems possible, but it’s probably still way too early to be able to say anything like that definitively/long-term.

Yeah I’m certainly not saying COVID is not causing potentially problematic immune issues, just I would expect it to take awhile for us to know for sure.

Every accusation is a confession.

Honestly if I were you I’d just borrow coasterbrad’s line, even though it’s not true in your case. You’d be doing a public service since there’s a non-zero chance it shames him enough to get him to STFU around other maskers going forward.

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I’ve thought about just saying someone in my family is on chemo, but I feel uneasy even speaking words like that into the universe.


I think that kind of behavior stems from the fact that covid actually big time sucked for a lot of people, in ways that I’m not sure people are even fully aware of but maybe on a subconscious level - now that we’ve kind of shifted into this endemic-ish phase of it and the public at large considers it “over,” any reminders of that shitty time period would evoke a strong negative reaction from certain people who’d rather forget. that’s my theory anyway