COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Yeah same I got COVID, no cognitive decline that I can detect. Brain still decides what it’s interested in and I’m just along for the ride like always.

New COVID side effect identified, apparently it can turn you into a pedophile.

According to court documents, Armstrong admitted to downloading the illegal content, telling investigators during an interview that “he was having issues becoming aroused after battling with COVID.”

Didn’t read, but surprised he didn’t blame it on the COVID vaccine.


Mostly falls in the “can’t rule it out” category. Shows up in my Google news feed. Statement is several days old

After the IBCK episode on the lab leak I’m super skeptical of media reporting on this subject, and this story is no exception - the scientist was on a podcast and said “don’t rule anything out” about the origin. That’s a reasonable way to approach a scientific question; don’t rule things out until the evidence justifies it! So of course the clickbait media runs with it like the above, calling it a “concession”.

Ok, that alleviates a lot of my concerns over the first one, but the second one is definitely assessing long-term issues. Topol is a heavy hitter, and 10% of people having persistent long COVID issues at six months is very concerning.

Clearly people are having persistent issues after having COVID but would caution not to put too much weight on the % here. They are trying to define a new condition so that % probably could have been 5% or 25% depending where they drew cutoffs. I think the quote below is the thing to take, they are trying to define a new condition and now that they have created some sort of definition they can try to study it
Meaning A framework for identifying PASC cases based on symptoms is a first step to defining PASC as a new condition. These findings require iterative refinement that further incorporates clinical features to arrive at actionable definitions of PASC.

I agree, but I think the issue is that if it’s 5% or higher even if vaccinated, and it doesn’t clear up within six months or a year, we’ve got a big societal problem and for many of us a huge personal risk once you start stacking infections with that same 5% risk level.

In other news, excess death still running at about 5% higher than expected with peaks matching covid outbreaks, and 2022 worse than 2020. I get that there’s a big element of the free will of the unvaccinated/undervaccinated in developed countries biting them in the ass, but still this isn’t just going away.

The reporting is incredibly frustrating, even mainstream outlets that should know better are pushing this baby-brain lab leak angle as hard as they can. 20 years from now it’s going to just be one of those things everyone is wrong about because the reporters just gave zero fucks. Oh look, another anonymous defense guy has bombshell evidence he can’t show anyone, better put that on the front page of the WaPo. Some guy says we can’t rule a leak out, ok, not remotely news in any sense of the word, shove that to the top of everyone’s feed.

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Yeah that is problematic but I don’t think this sort of study is going to tell us if it’s actually happening.

Given the publicity and public knowledge of COVID the study is essentially asking people “Do you notice anything different since you got the illness that you’ve been hearing about 24/7 and changed the course of the entire world for years”

So you going to expect to get a lot of positive results and now that they defining those potential positive results they will then be able to look at them with more objective measures to see if they are actually real or noise and and if they are real how impactful they are.

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Yeah I agree, but most people are proceeding as if it’s a near certainty it’ll all be fine, and as though those of us still worried are insane, with some verbal abuse thrown in.

I think society is blowing it big time on this risk, and by the time we have a real answer, it’s either going to be everything is fine or most people are already fucked. Then it’ll be a question of whether this stuff is ever going to be treatable or reversible.

We’re basically drawing to either the vaccine prevents long COVID at a good rate, long COVID is reversible, or we’re fucked.

I think there also a pretty high chance that omnicron COVID in vaccinated people has similar rate of long term post viral complications as other common viruses but we had previously not noticed them as much as never been studied so closely

That’s possible too, I’d count that under the vaccine offering ample protection.

So there are at least 30M extra deaths over 3 years (the baseline was going up, eyeballing prolly a little above 10M per year on average).

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People feel like things aren’t a big deal if they weren’t personally impacted. I’ve learned that a pretty effective shut down to any idiot espousing this nonsense has been to simply share, I understand that is your experience, but my experience was having multiple people I know die and even more have their health wrecked by this disease, including healthy people in their 20s and 30s, so I really don’t want to hear about how it wasn’t real or wasn’t a big deal.

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I’m shocked, shocked I tell you

Ooh, we need a shocked pikachu emoji. @admin?