COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Hard to follow somerhing that doesn’t exist.

Time for us all to be activated. Do we know what time the activation is supposed to take place? Need to be ready.

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2:20 PM Eastern tomorrow.

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It’s happening!

I hope I get telepathy, or telekinesis

The funniest/saddest part of this is all these nutjobs are more aware of the alerts system than we are.

15 minutes until we all turn into zombies from the 5G/Marburg virus/whatever the fuck.

It’s been a pleasure knowing you all.

It’s been kinda amazing how many news articles this has generated. Like is getting a text that they testing an alert system really such hot news lol

I stand corrected, it sounds like the Russians just dropped the bomb in my clinic



I want my 2 minutes of not being a zombie back.

OMG just got activated!

Umm holy shit you guys I think I can walk through walls now! Super powers confirmed unlocked.

Lol, took a nap, turned off my phone, slept through it. Am I the last human left?

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12 minutes with no reply. Bet you were GETTING NERVOUS.


Had dinner with some cow-orkers last night.

One guy (who was seated at the other end of the table) slacked just now that he woke up sniffly (felt fine yesterday) and tested positive

Had one of my first in-person conference room meetings in years. One participant left the room in the middle and signed in from zoom at the end to let folks know that his wife called him to let him know she tested positive. Moral of the story? F cow-orkers.

I got my shots this afternoon. Sad that I missed the big activation the other day. Anyone know how I get my 5G turned on?

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5G Vax Activation Support


Clicked hoping for Rick Astley. Was not disappointed with actual link.

I tested positive just now on two different home tests, even though I feel fine, save for some barely noticeable chest congestion. The past 4-5 days felt like I was fighting off a mild cold that never really took hold.

I feel kinda shitty about having been out the past 24 hours to different grocery stores, although I did have a mask on, since I thought I was getting over a cold.