COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Yes, a positive on an antigen test means you’re almost certainly still contagious. Society just pretends COVID magically stops transmitting at 5 or 10 days cause everyone is over the whole thing.

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Day 11: Finally got my negative rapid test. That was an obnoxious week and a half.



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Junior is home from college and pozzed

My wife said a friend of a friend who is a nurse can come by and give him an IV with zinc and some other shit a write a prescription for a z-pack for $200, this is a complete scam, right? What the fuck is zinc going to do? The z-pack is supposedly to “help prevent secondary infections like sinus infections or pneumonia”? Seems like an easy “fuck off” right?

Yeah, I’m not a doctor but that’s a bad idea.

Look into Paxlovid to see if it’s indicated in his case, otherwise just do the standard stuff like rest, fluids, pain/fever meds if necessary, etc.

ETA: People shouldn’t be taking antibiotics without a specific diagnosis indicating their appropriateness. That type of shit contributes to antibiotic resistance, a major, growing problem.


Yeah the zpack thing is what really set off the scam alarm in my head

I thought nurses couldn’t write prescriptions? Maybe she’s a nurse practitioner or something. Still seems scammy.

There is a lot of exposure there for the nurse/friend

I don’t understand this whole casual IV business thing. Like you can be at a strip mall and some place will be selling IV infusions with various vitamins/supplements/ medications off a restaurant menu. Like wtf are these customers and medical providers doing.

Team Nope

I am obviously not a doctor and not an expert in any way, and the z pack obviously seems like a bad idea unless a doctor is prescribing it for a valid reason.

The IV with zinc seems likely to be slightly beneficial from the standpoint that hydration is important when sick and most of us suck at it, and zinc may be good for the immune system. But it seems like it shouldn’t be any more effective than drinking fluids and taking vitamins, unless COVID is, ahem, grossly impacting his hydration, if you catch my drift. And if he is losing fluids that aggressively, you probably want to be heading for a doctor or ER, not calling the Z&Z IV nurse side hustle nurse.

Seems like a great idea for the person receiving the $200 though.

yeah that was my feeling. drink more gatorade. his symptoms aren’t bad (no fever), and obviously the z-pack is “people demand pills so I can make some money giving them pills” bullshit. I think my wife was just freaking out about the need to DO SOMETHING since we’re so close to christmas but his day 1 was sunday so if he keeps improving at the rate he is he should be good to go (current CDC guidelines are that you can end isolation on day 5 if no fever and symptoms improving).

Product idea: a breathalyzer, except it analyzes your breath to see if you’re expelling COVID.

100% scam, but people believe this shit works too

Great idea until college kids get their hands on them and try for the highest number.

Fucking everyone has covid or flu or some bullshit right now

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That is really fucking stupid, and seems illegal. Amongst other things, the antibiotics will do nothing to help the covid while actively fucking up his digestive tract (since antibiotics are hard on the stomache due to them killing the “good” bacteria we normally have.” Yes, it’s a scam, don’t do it.

I think there actually quite a few theoretical reasons azithromycin could improve COVID outcomes (anti-inflammatory and prevention of secondary pneumonias) but the issue is smart people have done the studies to see and it didn’t pan out

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Hurrray. I’m currently in the middle of my annual Christmas Disney World trip. Not as many people seem to be coughing as this time last year, here’s hoping my normal masking & hand sanitizing strategy works.

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Two of the guys I played tennis with on Sunday have pozzed. No symptoms, hopefully in the clear.

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