COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Same for me, team Novid still.

Unfortunately, I’m now controlled by the government via their vaccine injected microchips. Cell service is spotless, though.

Anecdotal ldo but in my corner of the northeast the ‘vid is running wild in the streets. Stay safe out there!


True in Los Angeles as well, along with lots of other apparently non-COVID but very nasty bugs.

We’ve had 7 pozzes in the last 2 weeks at my company of ~100, 5 of those are just since last Thursday.

Got to Omaha, immediately coughed all night. Tested positive. For strep throat. Feeling much better on antibiotics.

Strep, an oldie but a goodie (baddie?).

So how long before you stop testing positive on these rapid tests?

This bullshit is getting old.

It can literally be weeks until you test negative on those. I think if you’re asymptomatic and 10 days past first onset of symptoms you’re considered completely good to go even if still positive on those tests.

Is that actually based on science or is that just what people have to say so that the economy doesn’t break?

We’re supposed to go on an 8 hour drive down to in-laws for Christmas on Thursday. Don’t think that’s happening if I’m still popping positives.

I could be wrong but I think 10 days is relatively safe. The “rules” actually said 5 days so that Starbucks wouldn’t have to close.

If you aren’t feeling sick and its been a long time since you started feeling sick, you’ll be fine don’t sweat it. If it’s been like 5 days and you are still kind of coughing a bit and feel meh, keep resting up and drink that OJ.

Edit: and if you don’t want to go to the in-laws for whatever reason, you had covid and lived you deserve to use it as an excuse.

I’m on Day 10.

A bit of congestion/runny nose and feel a little short of breath when I try to do things. Fever has been gone since Day 3, coughing since Day 6 or so.

I do want to go (mainly because I’m still going to have to go anyway; this would just be an annoying delay), but it’s looking unlikely at this point. No chance I can convince my wife to be in a car with me for 400 miles if I’m still popping positives.

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Ha, my wife was the opposite and seemed pretty sure I was faking to get out of pulling my weight from day one.

Hmm, sounds like she might have precedent on her side.

I thought a positive test on an antigen test means you’re likely still contagious. A positive test on a PCR (which is more sensitive), not so much. I wouldn’t expose friends/family if I was still testing positive on an antigen test.

Welp, still positive.

Line is maybe more faint. Got about 24 hours to get rid of this, or Christmas trip is fucked. I’m not hopeful.

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Zoom Christmas throwback!

Sorry, man, hopefully you get well in time.

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Send the rest of the family. Spend the weekend re-watching Sopranos or similar.


“Rest of the family” is just my wife, who refuses to visit her dad and step-mom alone. Both because she doesn’t want to drive alone on NJ-17 and the Garden State Parkway, and because she wants me there as a buffer to make fun of him when he starts on his politics.

It’s not a win at all if I pozz tomorrow.

Gotcha. Rooting for the negative.

I heard a good one the family politics front:

“Tell me how you would explain your position to Jesus”

Setting aside the ridiculous premise, what was the topic? Better chance than not it’s one of the many positions religious conservatives take that the biblical Jesus directly refutes!